The Hidden Secrets of The Ocean

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Hello my lovelies! I wrote this Oneshot such a long time ago, so I highly suggest reading my newest Oneshots instead. The grammar and quality are a lot better.

Zane smiled as he could hear the sound of the ocean waves crashing against the stone reef, making his way of the small gravel path, and towards his usual hangout spot by the cliff. He could feel a smile tugging at his lips as he sat down at the edge of land, staring at the waves crashing against the cliff.

He had visited this small cliff almost every day, falling in love with the scenery and watching waves dance across the ocean. If Zane could, he would spend every signal day at this cliff, watching the ocean waves crash upon the stone walls. It wasn't until Zane decided to capture these beautiful seen's in his sketchbook, spending day and night at the cliff to capture the most gorgeous representations of the chaos of foam and water crashing against each other.

It's been a few months since Zane had been sketching the ocean, watching from many angles, capturing the beauty he witnessed threw his eyes.

Zane let out a tired yawn, stretching his back as he sat up in bed. He swung his legs off the mattress and onto the ground, getting up tiredly. He walked over to his closet, grabbing a grey shirt, and some black jeans. Changing into his usual outfit quickly, shivering as the coldness of his apartment hit its bare skin, making him grab his signature jacket with black and grey strips. Once he finished getting dressed he walked out of his bedroom, and into the kitchen, grabbing a mug and placing it under his coffee maker, watching the black liquid fill the mug to the rim.

Zane quickly removed the mug once it was full with his addiction, which in his case was coffee. He sipped the liquid tiredly, happy that he got his daily dose of caffeine. He placed the mug back onto the counter, grabbing his old leather bag filled with art supplies and swung it over his shoulder. He marched over to the front door, hurriedly opening and closing it as he was eager to start his day at the cliff like usual.

Taking in a deep breathing, as inhaled the fresh ocean air. His lips curved into a smile as he arrived at the cliff, walking over to the edge, and sitting down and letting his legs dangle over the end of the cliff. Zane grabbed his sketchbook getting ready to draw as he stilled his movements, listening to a loud flapping sound in the water as he stared down at the waves.

His eyes widened as he saw a dark midnight blue tail swim against the water, it looked odd almost fish like. It disappeared just as soon as he saw a glimpse of the large fish tail, everything about the scene that just played peeked Zane's interest. He had never seen such a thing, it was truly peculiar in his opinion.

He continued to lean over the edge, staring at the ocean. He let out a loud yelp as he felt himself loose balance and fall off the cliff, letting out a loud cry as he braced himself for death. He cried out as he hit the cold water, panicking as he splash against the waves. The death he braced himself was slowly approaching, but it was to his surprised as he felt arms wrap around him.

"Oh no," a deep voice mumbled, staring down at Zane's shaking form. "I can't destroy something that has loved us so beautifully." He whispered, holding Zane's head above the water.

Zane shivered in the creatures arms, his limbs going numb as he felt the waves crash against his body. He slowly peeled his eyes open, taking in the creatures appearance. He had midnight black hair, and navy blue eyes, and small light blue fins at each side of his head.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you save." The voice mumbled, feeling the grip on his body tighten. "Hold your breath, and count to ten and close your eyes. Trust me, you'll be save once you open your eyes."

Zane nodded, following the creatures orders. He quickly closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath as he prepared himself to hold his breath.

The creature smiled at Zane, "ready?" He asked, looking at Zane for any signs of approval.

Zane quickly nodded his head at the creatures question, inhaling the hair before holding his breath. The creature didn't waste time, quickly going underwater and swimming closer to the cliff. He hurried as he swam at full speed, not knowing how long the human could hold his breath for. He smiled as he spotted the underwater cave, quickly swimming into it.

He knew this cave could keep his human safe, it had a large air pocket at the end, and a small stone edge above the water, he knew could place the little creature in his arms onto the surface above the water. He quickly swam to the end of the large cave, placing the shaking human onto the stone edge.

"You can open your eyes now." He mumbled, placing his arms onto the stone surface as the rest of his body was still the water.

Zane opened his eyes, taking a deep breath as he looked around in a daze. He pushed himself away from the male in front of him, not knowing what it exactly was and if it was dangerous. His actions made the male frown, disliking the humans fear of him.

"Don't be afraid, I wouldn't hurt you." The creature tried to reassure, smiling softly at the human. "I'm Gene by the way, what's your name?" The creature now known as Gene asked, making Zane shiver.

"Z-Zane." Zane stuttered, looking at Gene in mistrust. "What are you?" He found himself asking, staring at Genes fishlike appearance. He felt curious, he had never seen such a creature before, and it honestly made him more interested than afraid.

Zane interest made Gene laugh, shaking his head. "I'm a merman Zuzu." Zane shivered at the nickname, looking at him with wide eyes. He never knew that mermaids and merman were really, he figured they were just made up creatures created by humans. Zane thoughts were interrupted by a thud, realizing that his body had given up by trying to stabilize his cold and weak body. He let out a tired sigh, just wanting to rest his tired bones. His eyes closed in exhaustion, not caring that Gene was watching him.

"That's it Zuzu, get some rest." Gene whispered, reaching out and gently brushing his fingers through Zanes wet locks. "I'll protect you, no matter what. I love you, and I'm finally able to touch you my love."

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