Chapter 1 - Lila Eyes

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(Willa's POV)

"Run, run, run, run, run, run" came out the speakers at the grocery store.

"Why does this place always play depressing songs. They need to get a new playlist or something!"

"Quit complaining! Come on what's the last ingredients we need to make that cake?" asked Rochella.

Rochella was my best friend. We have known each other since grade three primary school. People could say we were two peas in a pod. But I wouldn't go up to her and say that aloud.

At the moment we were at the local independent grocery store trying to get the ingredients for chocolate cake but, we keep getting side-tracked as per usual.

"Hey! Earth to Willa! Are you there?"

"Yeah, yeah sorry Ro."

"You seem so dreamy ever since the start of school. Maybe it's because of all the new cute boys that's in our grade."

"What would make you think that I would be thinking about that! You know I won't take interest in a boy until... The end of Earth!"

"Keep telling yourself that. One day you'll crash into a boy and smack bam you like him!" she exclaimed as she grabbed some flour.

"Wo wo wo," I said as I stopped her. "Talk all you want about my love life, what's happening with yours? Two boys have you asked out in the last week and you just flipped them! What has happened to my bad girl Rochella?"

"I have decided that instead of flying here and there, I want a serious relationship."

"Really? All you have ever done with the boys you've 'dated' is just give them a peck or two and dump them the next day."

Ro kept quite after that remark. Did I say something wrong? Ah well, it's the truth, she should expect it from me after all.

We got the rest of the ingredients and paid for them at the counter. We then started to walk home when...

"Beep beep!" went a car behind us.

We both turned startled when I saw who was sitting in the front seat of the car. Karl. Ro's older brother.

"Oi. I'll give you peas a ride home." He said.

"You know I don't like it when you call us peas!" went off Ro as we started to walk to the Mazda.

"What's wrong with Ro? She seems grouchier than usual." Asked Karl when I moved to sit in the front passenger seat.

"Don't know. Maybe she's craving chocolate cake more than I realised."

"You know I can hear you two! Your acting as though I'm not here! Well, yoo hoo just because your both more mature than me doesn't mean you can talk to me as though I'm not here!" She started to rant as we turned back onto the street.

After that Karl started to fill us in with what happened at his work. Karl works at the chemist that's in the town centre, so he's always told the juicy gossip of the town. It's always fun when he tells us stories about Kellie. Kellie was the popular snob in our grade and since Karl works with her mom Stephanie, Steph always tells Karl embarrassing stories of Kellie when she was younger.

"Hey, have you seen any odd people around?" I suddenly burst in the middle of Ro and Karl arguing about what the name of the old lady's cat that is missing.

"Why don't you just give up?" asked Ro quietly.

"You know I can't give up on her." I silently mused.

"Well, I'll tell you if I see someone who looks like you but with hippie hairstyles and clothes," Karl promised.

It was quiet for a few minutes after that. I was trying to not to start crying when,

"Remember when we looked through that old photo book that your dad keeps?" Ro asked.

"Yeah, I remember. My dad looks so weird, he has hair." I replied.

"And remember that photo of your dad doing your mum's makeup? She turned out like a clown!"

And with that Ro started laughing. I couldn't help it I joined in too. It was such a hilarious photo, my dad put red splotches on my mum's cheeks and blue eyeshadow on her eyelids it made her look like a clown. But I always remember my mum's eyes in that photo. She had the most unique eyes I have ever seen, she had purple eyes.


"Mmm. This is so good. Why didn't we think about making a chocolate cake before we started to make coffee?"

"Well Ro, you know I like a good cup of coffee."

"Yeah because your so mature!"

"I'm sorry that you're a child and you have sugar cravings all the time."

We both laughed at that, as my phone started ringing. I picked out my pocket and saw that it was my dad trying to call me.

"I better take this one Ro."

"K Willa. Just don't forget to mention to your dad that you and I have a date with the movies tomorrow night!" She said as I started to walk away. "Star Wars 9!"

"Yep. O hi, dad, what are you calling for?"

"Hey, Willa. I was just wondering do you need a lift home? It's almost 6:30 so you can have dinner at the Devlin's."

"Yeah ok. What time will you get here?"

"I'll get there probs around 7:20."

"Ok yep. See you soon."

"See you soon darling. Oh, I almost forgot!"

"Forget what?"

"Nothing see you soon bye Willa."

"Bye, dad. Huh, he hung up before he could probably hear me say goodbye. Well..." I started to head towards where Ro was when she asked,

"What do you want for dinner? Frozen pizza, pies or fish?"

"Definitely pizza. Why would you ask me that?" I asked fake shockingly when I dumped myself onto the couch.

"I don't know. Even though I have known you for like 8 years, doesn't mean I know your every food need!"


(Rochella's POV)

My one life mission as being Rochella Devlin isto keep Willa safe. Willa and I are more than best friends we are soul mates,sisters, family. And I am the only one that can save her from them. She doesn'tknow about them yet, she doesn't know that I am here to protect her from them.I have saved her numerous times over the years. An example of this is when wehad that crazy lockdown last year and all everyone could hear were bangs andexplosions, that was me facing them. Them, the beautiful monsters, the Aos Sìor more commonly known as the Gentry. The Gentry is a race that looks likehumans, but they are not humans. They are tall, have a noble appearance andhave a silvery sweet speech. They have been described to me as stunninglybeautiful but, all I have ever seen is their terrible hideous side, the side I havehad to battle with, the ones I have had to kill. I can see a little of theGentry in Willa, her mom was one of them, but her dad is just a normal human -or terrestrial as we say - who ventured a little too far into the wild ofIreland. But, I'm still thankful that she is here with me because well, I don'tknow what I would do with her. My whole family kills, slays and protectsterrestrials from the Gentry. We are what is known as Proceres-Venatores,Gentry hunters to the few who know the real truth.

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