Breaking Point

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A week later

    Physically Jimin was doing well his cuts had scabbed up and itched like crazy Youngjae would be here later today to look at his stitches to see if it was time for them to come out, the bites had turned a deep purple color are now a wine color they were healing the chafe marks on his wrist had turned a light violet. 

    Mentally he wasn't doing so well he jumped at loud noises or if someone touched him, they sometimes caught him crying everyone is worried he would hurt himself again.

 The shop had just closed, today had been a stressful day a customer had hit on Jimin the way the guy had looked at him had freaked him out and the lewd things he had said the guy had made Jungkook look petite he was massive none of it was fat he made Namjoon look short the guy had to be almost twice Jimin's age long stringy black hair, personal hygiene questionable it was obvious he was a biker his skin tanned and leathery from the sun. Jimin had heard him making comments about someone Namjoon was tattooing him and ignoring his rude remarks. Jimin was restocking and cleaning Yoongi's work station " damn I need those lips around my dick" Jimin grimaced and turned to see who he was talking about only to meet the guys eyes he winked at Jimin, Jimin left the area and went to the kitchen to get himself some coffee he was pouring creamer into his coffee when he felt a presence behind him he turned it was him he verily came to the mans pecks " baby those lips got me so hard how bout you help me out I'll even pay for it" Jimin had no where to go he is pressed against the counter " can you back up I'm not interested" he grabbed Jimin's hand pressing it against the bulge in his pants " Baby I got eleven inches that will make you feel so good " he grabbed Jimin's arm and preceded to drag him towards the bathroom " I will pay you well" Namjoon walked into the kitchen taking in the scene " Vincent let him go" he dropped Jimin's arm "awe man I was just having some fun this guy is so hot I just wanted a taste" Namjoon walked over whispering something into his ear the guy went pale " fuck! don't tell him" he turned to Jimin " I'm so sorry please don't tell Yoongi" Jimin stared at him in wonder, what the hell had Namjoon said to him? the guy went to the bathroom " what did you say to him?" Namjoon chuckled " I told him you belonged to Yoongi" Jimin's eyes widened " is he really that feared" Namjoon smirked " you have no idea" Jimin shook his head " you shouldn't have said that that guy will tell people and I'm sure Yoongi doesn't want his name connected to someone like me" Namjoon rolled his eyes " what do you mean someone like you there's nothing wrong with you any guy would be lucky to be with you" Jimin looked away Namjoon was being nice he wasn't stupid he had noticed how the guys treated him different they didn't touch him, no hugs or kisses on the cheek they must think he's as dirty as he felt. 

   Jimin stood in front of the bathroom mirror he fought the urge to harm himself he couldn't chase away the memory of the man's hands on his body it made him feel disgusting he was so tired of feeling dirty he need to reclaim his body he needed someone to erase the man's touch from his body. 

    Jimin didn't see the silent figure watching him from the doorway " I need to tell Yoongi I promised" he whispered to himself "tell me what?" Yoongi said from the doorway Jimin jumped dropping the shiny metal object he had in his hand in the sink Jimin gasped and grabbed for it but Yoongi was quicker he picked up the shining razor blade " where did you cut? I swear to fucking god I will make you strip if you don't fucking answer me" Jimin's eyes widened in panic " I-I wanted t-to but I-I promised you I-I wouldn't" Yoongi stared at Jimin trying to tell if he was lying to him the blade appeared clean there was no trace of blood " is that what you wanted to tell me?" Jimin nodded tearing up he hated feeling so weak why was it so hard to fight the demons in his mind "where's your blades?" Jimin opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a small black cosmetic bag he handed it to Yoongi " hey I know this is hard but this is a big step thank you for telling me I'm going confiscate this and your razors we'll get you an electric razor tomorrow " Jimin looked down at the floor he was ashamed he felt like a child Yoongi had to hide sharp objects so he didn't harm himself " I'm going to put these up get ready for bed I'll be back in a few minutes " Jimin nodded Yoongi left Jimin finished washing his face and brushing his teeth patting moisturizer on his face he headed to his closet to change.

    Yoongi went downstairs and collected all the knives and box cutters anything Jimin may be tempted to use to harm himself he carried the paper bag  full of said paraphernalia upstairs he put everything in his safe in his room he changed into shorts forgoing a shirt Jimin's room was warmer than his because of the little heater he bought for his room as he was always cold, yes he was still sleeping with Jimin it had been a week he knew he should go back to his room but Jimin hadn't ask him to go back to his room, Yoongi had never slept better than in the last week he dreamt of blood and death so much that he verily has four hours of sleep before he got up though next to Jimin he slept soundly only waking when Jimin had nightmares as soon as he got him settled down he went right back to sleep.

    Yoongi walked into Jimin's room Jimin sat on the side of the bed in his boxer as he stared vacantly at the floor " something on your mind?" Yoongi asked Jimin looked up " can I ask you a question?" Yoongi shrugged " sure" Jimin sighed " I feel dirty I hate it I still feel his hands on me and in me it doesn't matter how many showers I take I feel disgusting, is it wrong to use someone to erase those memories?" Yoongi stared at him in confusion " I'm not sure what you mean, use someone how?" Jimin looked away feeling himself flushing lightly " this is so awkward, I mean fucking their brains out replacing that horrible memory with a much better one" Yoongi's eyes widened he was not expecting that reply he immediately hated the thought images of Jimin kissing and holding other people flashed through him mind something welled up inside him causing his feet to move he walked to the bed grabbed Jimin's arm jerking him to his feet Jimin gasped staring at him in surprise " what are......" Yoongi slammed his lips to Jimin's kissing him hungrily Jimin is shocked and did not immediately respond but Yoongi's lips were so soft and warm soon he was melting into the kiss his hands sliding up his back Yoongi's own hands sliding into Jimin's hair he fisted his hair tightly a moan broke free from Jimin's mouth Yoongi slid his tongue inside the cavern eager to taste every inch, he tasted so sweet Yoongi didn't know if he could ever get enough of his sweetness they broke the kiss for much needed oxygen each staring into the others eyes breathing heavily Yoongi attacked his throat nipping and sucking at the tender flesh soft moans left Jimin's lips Yoongi's fingers dug into Jimin's hips as he ground his erection against his they were both rock hard both seeking friction the small sounds Jimin was making was driving Yoongi insane " Yoongi please" Jimin's voice broke through his passion filled haze he stopped abruptly dropping his hands and stepping back Jimin stared at him in confusion " I'm sorry that was a mistake" Yoongi turned on his heels walking out of the room leaving Jimin standing there speechless.   

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