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Ok so you can skip this chapter if you want but oh my god I'm so sick of "social media is ruining everything"


"Kids are losing their ability to communicate"
We're communicating with people we usually can't dumbasses. Have a friend who lives all the way across the world?
BOOM you can talk to them.
You have to talk urgently with your friend at 3am?
You need some information on an important assignment you're doing?

"All people on the internet are predators for young people (mostly girls)"
Hmmm well........
You know how you are always complaining this generation are on social media? And messaging people? MAYBE. JUST MAYBE. Your child is actually messaging another child?? Not everyone on the internet is evil. MAYBE teenagers actually use these sites to message people like you always complain they are? Ya know? Maybe not everyone is a pedophile?

"Social Media is rotting their brains"
Maybe we're actually obtaining information through the world known as the internet? Maybe we're actually LEARNING stuff? We are actually researching stuff, learning random facts or even learning about America's founding fathers???????? I bet your parents said the same thing about your game consoles when you were a kid and you can clearly still function. You know where I learnt all about the importance of feminism and standing up for change?? Definitely not school. Do you know where I learnt how to improve my writing and have confidence in my skills? Once again, DEFINITELY NOT SCHOOL.

"Social media is what is causing ALL of the anxiety!!"
Oh, it definitely couldn't be the ridiculous amount of homework, peer pressure and stress we get handed on a silver platter to us by school. It couldn't be the fact that we are so sleep deprived from staying up so late on assignments that will probably never help us in the future.
Yes, I know that social media is a source of extreme anxiety for some people. Yes, I know that cyberbullying is a major problem. I just find it annoying how everything gets blamed on social media when it's relating to our generation. I wouldn't be able to share my opinions, writing, drawing or even do this rant if we didn't have social media! 

The reason I had to rant for a bit is cause I saw a news story on TV that said "teenagers glued to social media have lost their ability to communicate! How to save your child before it's too late." (I'm not kidding they actually said that) And I just got so pissed off and need to vent. If you came this far good job!

Yes social media can be stressful and can be an extreme problem for innocent people. I'm just saying it's not all bad. :3

Rant over.

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