Chapter 14

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The shrill, high-pitched noise of the doorbell floated through the front door as Emily waited for her dad to open up. This was not going to be easy, but it had to happen. Eddy had to know how much chaos he had caused.

The door flung open and a dishevelled Eddy stared at her wide-eyed. "Emily!" He pulled her in for a hug, but she didn't hug him back. "Thank God you're back. I was so worried! Do you know how long you've been gone for? I thought something had happened."

"Something did happen, dad."

Her father let go and finally had a proper look at her. Emily knew she looked different now. With her memories, she'd gotten much of her confidence back. Eddy's shoulders sagged. He opened the door to let her inside and they made their way to the living room, where they took their spots on the sofa.

Neither of them said a word, until they were both sat down. "You have your memories back, don't you?" Eddy whispered.

"I do," said Emily, her voice tight with suppressed anger. "I also found out that you're the reason I lost them in the first place."

The blood drained from his face, leaving him pale and ghastly. "How did you –"

"It doesn't matter how," Emily spat. "I can't believe you did that to me, dad! You nearly ruined my life, with what you did. How could you have ever thought that was a good idea?"

Eddy averted his gaze, looking at anything but his daughter. "I didn't at first, but he convinced me."

Emily's jaw dropped. "What are you talking about? Who did?"

Making a hopeless gesture with his arms, Eddy explained, "Your boyfriend. Tom. We found out you'd befriended this Other boy and wanted to put a stop to that. I just wanted to keep you away from them, Emily, to keep you safe."

"Keep me safe, huh? I didn't even remember you, how could that be what you wanted?"

"It wasn't," said Eddy miserably, staring at his hands. "I regretted it as soon as I saw you lying there, in that hospital bed. I should never have done it. I'm so sorry, Emily."

She let out a joyless laugh. "Right, and that's supposed to make it all better, is it? Sorry? I am really struggling not to hate you right now."

"I understand, I..."

"Do you?" Emily shouted. "Do you, really? I don't ever want to see you again, Eddy. Mum would be so ashamed of you."

Eddy buried his face in his hands. "I know... I know... I'm sorry, Emily. I'm so sorry."

Her face red with rage, she couldn't do anything but stare at him. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth again, she'd explode.

"I'm truly sorry, honey," Eddy whispered eventually. "I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll do anything, just... Just give me a chance. Please..."

Emily's heart leapt into her throat. This was exactly the kind of response she'd hoped for.

"Anything?" she asked.

"I'll find a way, I promise."

"I know a way," said Emily. Eddy looked up at her words, an odd mixture of sorrow, regret, hope and fear on his face. "But you're not going to like it. Did you mean it when you said you'd do anything?"

Eddy swallowed hard, but nodded.

She took a deep breath. "My friend, the Other boy you tried to keep me away from, has just been kicked out of his Tribe, because he saved my life." Eddy gasped, but she didn't let him interrupt her. "Since he hasn't got a home anymore because of me, and indirectly because of you..."

Tears streamed down Eddy's face, as he realised what Emily was trying to ask of him. "Honey, stop, please. Don't ask me that. I can't..."

"One year," said Emily, putting a finger up to emphasise her words. "One year. After that, we'll both be 18, I'll have finished school, and we'll find our own place."

"Emily, please, you know what they've done to me." Eddy's shoulders shook as he tried to talk her out of it. "Please, you can't ask this of me. Not after what happened to your mother."

"This wouldn't be necessary if you hadn't done what you've done," said Emily coldly, trying her best not to show how much his dismay affected her. Her stomach churned as she begged whatever God was out there to just make Eddy agree.

Her father buried his face in his hands once more, contemplated her proposition. Finally, after what felt like an hour had passed, he looked into his daughter's eyes and said, "Alright."

Syl jumped up from the log when Emily entered the clearing in the forest. His face relaxed when he saw her smile at him.

"I did it," said Emily. "I found you a place to live."

Syl's jaw dropped. "Are you serious? Where?"

Emily slid her arms around his waist and smiled up at the boy she loved. "With me."

His eyebrows knotted. "I don't understand. You live with your dad, don't you? The guy who hates my guts?"

"I do. But to make up for what he did, he agreed to let you live with us," said Emily proudly.

"H-he did?" Syl stuttered.

Emily laughed, nodding. "He did."

"But... Emily, I can't have a life in your town. I'd never be able to leave the house with these." He gestured towards his arms.

"Ah!" said Emily. "I've thought of that, too. That is why we are moving away."

Syl opened his mouth to speak, but didn't seem to be able to form any words.

"You see, apparently they don't know your kind as well on the other side of the country. The people there wouldn't mind what you are, if they even know what those marks on your arms mean. You'll be safe there."

He stared at Emily, his eyes not as sad as they once used to be. He pulled her in close, hugging her as if he'd never let go again. "I love you, Emily. You know that, right?"

Emily giggled, never happier. "I love you, too."


A/N There we go, Novella number 2 is also finished! I can't believe I managed to write 2 20K word novellas in three months time, I'm really proud of that, haha!

I just wanted to let you guys know that this story takes place in the same world as my next project. The working title is Atrament (which is the name for the tattoos the Others have on their skin) and it will be my next YA Fantasy novel. I'm really excited about this project and I hope you guys will love it, too. Keep an eye out for it 😊

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