Welcome to Pravda

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Authors Note: Hey everyone, this story will be a Nonna and reader story, with 'Jack'  being a name to represent you, the reader. 

"I want to know more about her...", that thought filled Jack's head as he walked through falling snow to his apartment, looking back at his first day at Pravda high...


Jack strolled into the gates of Pravda high, the school he had just transferred to. He looked around him at all the strange looking buildings with wonder in his eyes, having never seen anything like this before.

"Its very... Russian" Jack joked to himself as he glanced around him.

After spending nearly 10 minutes simply taking in the scenery, Jack headed to the school office with all of his paper work to get his first day started.

After answering some questions and filling out some forms, Jack headed off to his first class.


Jack spent the whole day introducing himself, starting new classes and getting lost around the school, but now he had a choice to make. He had to decide which elective class he would take.

Jack glanced down at the form in front of him and weighed up his choices.

"Flower arranging." He said bluntly as he chuckled to himself.

"Sports and recreation - volleyball... Not really my thing."

"Tankery?" He asked himself as he read his final option, "I wonder what that entails..."

Jack had always had an interest in tanks and military history as whole. So he decided to try his luck and see what 'Tankery' actually was.

After he had filled out the form and took it to one of the office staff he was greeted by a look of surprise.

"You picked Tankery?" the staff member asked.

"Yes, is that a problem?" Jack retorted, surprised by her reaction.

"Its not a problem. It's just that you should know that the applicants to join the Tankery team must be accepted by the commander of the team..."

"Okay then, no problem" Jack replied cheerily

"Alright..." The staff member replied, knowing how the commander was likely to respond.


After he and finished filling out his paper work, Jack headed to a room that was designated as 'Tankery Headquarters'.

When he reached the door, he saw a student standing at attention by the door, completely still. As he approached he was greeted by the sentry, "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Uh, I'm here to speak to the commander of the Tankery team, I'm new here and would like to apply for Tankery" Jack replied.

The sentry was surprised at what she had heard, and chuckled to herself at the thought of the new student meeting the commander. Expecting to see him running out the room in tears within minutes.

"Alright then, go on in and wait for her" The sentry said, trying to hold back her laughter.

"Thanks" Jack responded as he walked inside.

As he closed the door behind him, a female voice from across the room asked, "What are you doing in here?"

Jack was startled by this and turned around to see a girl with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes starring him down.

"Uh... I'm here to talk to the commander of the Tankery team. I'm here to request a position."

"Oh are you?..." She asked in a condescending tone as she continued to stare him down, glancing at his name tag which read 'Jack R.'.

"Stand at attention then!" she said while slightly raising her voice in an angry tone, causing him to jump slightly.

Jack wasn't sure why, but he followed her instruction and slid his feet together while resting his hands by his sides. As he did this the girl continued to look at him with distaste.

After about a minute of standing in silence, Jack heard another girls yelling voice.

"Nonna! Where are you!"

"I'm in here" The blue eyed girl responded calmly.

"Oh good" a short blonde haired girl finished as she walked into the room.

As the short girl walked in, Jack held his posture as she turned to face him...

"Who is this?!" The short girl barked.

"He is here to try out Tankery..." The blue eyed girl, who Jack now realised was named Nonna, said while gritting her teeth.

"Really?" The short girl asked with a confused look, turning to face Jack. "So you want to work with the best eh?"

"Yes Ma'am~" Jack replied softly.

"Pfft..." Nonna blurted over her shoulder as she walked out of the room "Let me know when you're done"

The blonde haired girl turned to Jack after Nonna left the room and said, "at ease"

Jack slumped out of his stance and walked over to the blonde girl who was sitting on a pile of pillows on a chair behind a desk.

"Don't let the way she acted be the basis for your feelings about us... Or her..." the blonde girl started as she sighed, "She's been through a lot..."

Jack looked over at her genuine expression and returned it, "I won't"

"Good. Now on to business!" The blonde girl yelled with great ferocity despite her height. "I am The Great Katyusha, commander of Pravda's mighty Tankery team!"

Jack smiled at her proclamation as she raised her clenched fist into the air above her.

After her outburst, Katyusha lowered her expression and said softly, "Normally I would have you go through all sorts of tests to get into my team, but we're short on numbers, and I want to take it easy on you since you're new here"

"Thank You Katyusha" Jack said as he bowed his head.

"You're welcome. Just don't expect these niceties to last forever!" Katyusha announced in her normal yelling tone.

Jack laughed at this, and smiled while bowing his head again.

"You're on the team, but you still have to prove yourself! Come to practice tomorrow after school so we can see what you're made of!"

"You got it commander" Jack said as he saluted Katyusha and began walking out.

As he reached the door, he turned and looked down the small corridor that Nonna had left through.

As he did, his mind started reeling with questions. Who was she? Why did she seem to have a grudge against him? What had she 'been through' as Katyusha implied?

These thoughts raced in his head and led to him whispering "I want to know more about her though..." as he left the room and headed for home...

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