The Dance...

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After the conclusion of the battle against Saunders and Pravda's victory, Jack and Nonna spent the beginning of the next day apart, due to the demands of their school work. Despite this, the day was nevertheless important, as it was to be the day of the dance...

---Katyusha POV---

"Jack better hurry up and ask her!" Katyusha yelled to herself as she walked through one of the school corridors , having just sent Nonna to the cafeteria...

---Jack POV---

Jack strolled through the corridors of Pravda with a semi-confident smile, trying to calm his fast beating heart and fear of what he was about to do.

"Stop being so nervous!" he scolded himself as he walked.


Soon he arrived at his destination, the school cafeteria. At this time of night it was mostly empty, but he knew Nonna was going to be there thanks to Katyusha who said she'd make sure Nonna was there.

Jack glanced up at a clock as he entered, "7:10 , cutting it fine~" Jack mused to himself, knowing that the dance started at 7:30.

He'd wanted to ask her earlier to give them more time to get ready, however his school work had taken longer than he thought it would.

As he walked through the cafeteria he saw Nonna sitting alone on the far side, causing a smile to form on his lips. As he got closer her, he was stopped by Anastasia and two other girls stepping in front of him...

"Heeey Jack~" Anastasia greeted with a wide smile, a light blush covering her face.

"Hey Anastasia" Jack replied normally, wanting to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

"Soooo, there's something I want to ask you~" Anastasia said as she stepped much closer to Jack.

Upon hearing this, Nonna turned around and gasped when she saw how close Anastasia was to Jack, and at what she'd just heard...

"And what's that..." Jack said bluntly.

"W-Well I w-wanted to ask if you'd go to the d-dance with me~" Anastasia said as she looked up into his eyes expectantly awaiting a response.

"Uh..." was all Jack could mutter out due to his shock and confusion.

Upon hearing this, Nonna's eyes went wide and she rose from her seat. Quickly running out of the cafeteria. She felt like she'd waited too long and lost her chance to go with Jack. After all, who would refuse a beautiful girl like Anastasia asking them to go to the dance?

Jack continued to stand speechless with Anastasia in front of him until he saw Nonna run out of the cafeteria, "Nonna! Wait!"

Hearing this, and seeing that Jack was now running after Nonna to catch her, Anastasia let out a sigh, "I guess he chose her after all..."

---Katyusha POV---

Katyusha was heading for the cafeteria, expecting to get there just in time to see Jack and Nonna hugging or something cute like that, in response to Jack asking her to the dance.

However instead, she saw Nonna running towards her with a saddened expression on her face.

"Nonna?!" Katyusha yelled, confused, as Nonna ran past her in the corridor.

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