Training Time

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After a relatively uneventful day at school, Jack sat picking at his lunch in the cafeteria. Despite him being busy with a whole manner of school tasks, he found himself preoccupied. As his thoughts lingered on something. Or rather, someone, in particular.

"Maybe I should try to talk to her at practice"


After getting through his second day at Pravda high, Jack trudged through the snow towards the large Tankery sheds.

As he approached he heard a familiar sounding voice yell out, "You're late!"

He turned to see Nonna staring him down with a similar expression to before.

"Sorry", Jack replied bluntly, still questioning why she was so aggressive towards him. He then joined a large group of other students who were standing before Nonna and Katyusha (who was standing on a pile of wooden crates).

"Alright Listen up! We're here to practice maneuvers today, so all of you get to your vehicles!" Katyusha yelled as most of the group bowed and ran off into the tank sheds.

As they did, Jack took notice that almost all of the Tankery team members were girls. "I wonder why?" he mused to himself.

"Ah, I see you made it" Katyusha announced as she faced Jack, "Good, you'll be in the tank designated 'Konovalov'"

"Okay then~" Jack replied eagerly as he gave her a salute and began walking to the tank sheds.

"Wait!" Nonna yelled, her voice seething.

She then stomped closer to him, and looked him directly in the eye, "You'll be trialed as a commander. So you'll have to pass our test!"

"Ah, okay then" Jack replied, a confused look covering his face as he continued towards the tank sheds.

As he walked he was filled with even more questions, 

"What is this girls problem?!", he thought to himself...

---POV Nonna---

After Jack had disappeared from view into one of the sheds, Nonna let out a sigh and stared down at the ground.

"Why are you so hard on him? You're going to scare him off" Katyusha said to Nonna as she hopped down from the crates.

"I... I want to scare him off!" Nonna said with an aggressive tone as tears started forming in the corners of her eyes

Seeing this, Katyusha ushered her down to sit on one of the crates, "You can't hold a grudge against every guy who tries to join just for what he did..."

"T-That's not what this is about..." Nonna replied with an unchanging expression, forcing her tears back in.

"Are you sure?" Katyusha inquired with wide eyes.

Nonna opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself. She then sat in silence before speaking, "Maybe it is..."

Katyusha wrapped her arm around Nonna softly and looked at her with a smile to comfort her...

---Jack POV---

Jack headed into the Tank shed to look for his new tank. He soon reached a row of parked green tanks, and noticed a T-34 76 with the name 'Konovalov' written in white writing on its turret.

"This must be it" Jack mused to himself as he approached the tank.

"Oh, you must be our new commander!", a male voice greeted.

"Uh, yeah, thats me I guess" Jack replied, "I'm Jack"

"Nice to meet you Ja-, uh, Commander. I'm Vasili, I'm your driver"

"Nice to meet you too", Jack replied as he shook Vasili's hand.

"Hey Commander, I'm Borodin, I'm your Loader", Jack nodded and shook Borodin's hand as they greeted.

Jack was then greeted with, "Hello commander, I'm Anastasia, your gunner~" as a blonde haired girl emerged from the commanders hatch in the turret.

Jack looked at her as she got down from the tank. "Wow~" Jack thought to himself as he continued to look at her.

Seeing this, Anastasia giggled as she shook Jack's hand.

"You like what you see commander~", she mused as she put her hands on her hips.

"I... uh... I guess so" Jack stuttered out. He knew what she meant of course, and he certainly thought she was beautiful, but he already had rumblings in his mind about her personality.

Upon hearing his stutter, Anastasia thought she had him. Stepping as close as she could to Jack in order to make him flustered.

Normally this may have worked, but his mostly carefree attitude  and him wanting to begin training led to him being unfazed.

"Anyway. We have a job to do, so get to your positions!" Jack announced as he and the rest of his crew got into their tank and started it up.

---Nonna POV---

After Nonna had calmed down, her and Katyusha had gone into the tank sheds themselves to go to their tanks, and were now standing in front of them chatting idly.

"So you're going to make him trial to be a Commander? To run the gauntlet?" Katyusha asked with a questioning expression.

"Of course. All commanders must... It's Your rule after all"

"I suppose..." Katyusha replied as her expression dropped, "I think you just want him to not be on the team"

"Maybe I don't..." Nonna responded with a dejected look.

Katyusha sighed, She knew it was a touchy subject for Nonna, but she didn't want anyone else to suffer just because of what he did to her.

"Well lets see how how he goes then" Katyusha joked, trying to lighted the mood and end the silence.

"I'm sure he'll fail..."

"I guess we'll just see then. You might be surprised though, I have a good feeling about this one!" Katyusha replied as she strode off to get into her tank.

Nonna watched her walk away for a moment before turning towards the tank sheds with a stoic expression. Staring for a moment before turning on her heel and heading towards her own tank.

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