New Members

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Sarah POV

I got up and I texted Willow that I was ready and headed to her house,(Which was Next door) I got there and knocked on the door.I asked 'You ready?' she said 'Yep' and we headed out. We got to the bus stop and Willow pointed out to me that new people where moving in to a house by ours and the "hang out". So we hurried up and ran behind a bush and peeked through. There we saw 'The Stealerz'. We where in total shock. So then we headed to the bus stop and there we saw fresh meat... Oh No new girls and they have no idea what they're getting themselves into. So we headed over to them, they where super sweet ones name was 'Maeghan' ---yes I know but the girl I knows name is spelt like this--- and 'Tori'. We told them "See those boys?" "Yea" they both softly said. "They're bad news" so we told them they could hang with us.

Victorias POV

I asked them and they said "There's new girls." "What?!" me and Olivia looked at each other I get mad very easily , I don't want them to get hurt! While I couldn't say anything I was sitting there pissed and shocked at the same time, and Olivia could see that so she spoke up "Did you inform them?"

"Yea" they both said so I was calmed a little more.When we got to the school we all walked in the main doors and everyone was looking at us and whispering something to a friend next to them and then back at us. I went to my first period which I have with

Willow so I was talking to her and then The new girls walked in looking clueless and then trouble came Jack and Jack. I looked at Willow and she knew what she had to do she ran to the empty table behind me and then Maeghan sat with me and Tori sat with Willow. I was talking and I told this girl a lot and I learned a lot about her and her past she's so sweet! *****LUNCH TIME cause I don't wanna write******

We all sat at our table and then 'The Stealerz' had the nerve to come to our table and flirt with Maeghan and Tori, Shits going down! "What do you think your doing here?!" Sarah asked "Saying hello to the new girl." Cameron said with a stupid smirk I could slap off of him! "Well this is tori and Maeghan, bye now" I said pointing to the girls. they rolled they're eyes and walked away but,Something weird is up... Taylor (one of the biggest jerks) kept smiling at me so I just forgot about it.


Thank You so much please

Tell me of you liked it :) and I am trying to make them longer so yea \_(•_•)_/ Love you guys💕🙈

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