3. Before morning practice

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After Furuya came to her room the previous night, the twins chatted until midnight. "What do you think of them so far Onii-chan?" Satomi asked Furuya. Furuya thought about it for a while. They haven't started practice yet, so he couldn't say anything about the first years. He did watch the first strings informal practice, but all he was focused on was the catcher (Miyuki) and the pitchers (Tanba and Kawakami). The pitchers were fine in his opinion, but the catcher... I wanna pitch Furuya thought watching them. He'll be able to catch my pitch. Satomi starts laughing. "You're exited huh?" Furuya blushes. They can read each other so well. "I'm sure Miyuki won't disappoint you Onii-chan. And the rest of the team looks very reliable". Furuya looks at Satomi. He's not surprised that she already has data on them. She is very serious about managing a team, although he wouldn't call her tactics normal. He sweatdrops thinking about how she managed his previous team ... (evil laughter echoing from the past, eyes lit up with evil). Yeah, Furuya thinks, they won't be fooled by her sweet appearance for very long.

The next day Satomi's alarm goes off at 5:00. She has to get all the equipment ready with the rest of the managers, and then take notes on all the first years. She quickly gets dressed and puts her hair up in a ponytail. She looks in the mirror. I hope this works out well. The team looks solid and I can't wait to work with them *evil smirk*. I hope Onii-chan will be fine too. And off she goes.

Satomi meets up with Haruno, Sachiko, Yui and Takako. They had all met the day before after Satomi spoke to Coach Katoaka. Coach sent her to the field, where the managers were cleaning up after practice. She saw the 4 girls working, and called out "Hello! I'm Furuya Satomi, a new manager and trainer, please take care of me." One of the girls approached her. She was taller than the rest of the managers, with long dark hair. "Hello Furuya-san. I'm Fujiwara Takako, head manager, but you can call me Takako-san. This is Sachiko, Yui and Haruno." After all the introductions Satomi helped them with clean up. This morning they had all helped to get the field and equipment ready. All players are already lined up and ready to meet the coach.

The coach starts introducing himself and Rei-san, and then asks all the managers to introduce themselves. Satomi is last, "Good morning. I'm Furuya Satomi, first year manager and assistant trainer. Please take care of me." The players all look very unsure and shocked. The first string recognise her from the day before. "Look Isashiki, it's your girlfriend." (Riyosuke). "SHUT UP! I TOLD YOU SHE ISN'T MY GIRLFRIEND!" (Isashiki). " A girl trainer? Since when do we need one?" (Kuramochi). "She wouldn't be here if Coach didn't trust her." (Yuki).

Satomi has a book and pencil ready. She marks off all the regulars, and stops when she gets to Miyuki Kazuya. He's not here! After her introduction she slips away to see if she can't find him. She hears voices around the corner, and just as she's about to turn the corner a boy runs past her, on his way to the first year lines talking to himself about 'like a ninja', or something like that. "Nice sprint." She hears Miyuki's voice say. And yelled after that "He came here late, but he's trying to sneak in the line!" Everyone freezes. Miyuki sneaks behind Satomi, giving her a wink and quickly making his way back into the line. She couldn't believe it! He used that poor first year as a distraction!

Satomi made her way back to her place, just as the Coach started to scold the poor first year. The Coach was facing him, cold faced and hard voiced. "Kid, you've got some guts to be tardy on the first day, and you have a twisted mentality for trying to sneak in, to boot. GO RUN FOR THE REST OF MORNING PRACTICE!" The first year tried to defend himself, but after looking at Miyuki's face became quiet. The Coach also sent Miyuki and the first year's roommates to run. By then Satomi couldn't hold in her laughter.

"Bwhahaha!" How ironic! Trying to frame a first year and then getting caught anyway! Coach Katoaka sure is good. After that the first years were sent to the B-field to start warming up. Satomi walked around taking notes in her 'players book'. She couldn't help but notice the noise Miyuki and the rest of the running gang were making. It was mostly the first year making the noise, and Miyuki laughing at him. This is a really interesting place, Satomi thinks by herself. We might just do well here Onii-chan.

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