Kaminari's Accidental Coming Out

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It was early in the morning and class 1-A was abuzz in chatter. There's no particular reason for it, other than Aizawa had passed out at his desk in the middle of the lesson. Kirishima, Sero and Mina had taken to standing by Bakugo's desk and pestering him.

Iida was desperately trying to get the class back on track, but failing miserably as he got stuck in a conversation with Momo, Tsu, Uraraka and Todoroki. Ojiro and Hagakure were talking about their plans for the weekend and helping each other out with a math assignment due the next day.

Jirou and Tokoyami were talking about music while doing homework for English. Izuku was the only one actually still working on the lesson, and because of that fact, he was cursed with being bombarded after class for the notes and the classwork answers.

Kaminari was trying to do the same as Izuku, he honestly was, but he kept being inturpted by a certain grape headed cretin.
"Man, endeavor is so cool!" Kaminari's hand froze and he stopped writing the sentence he was working on.

He looked into Minetas eyes with a look of slight horror on his face. Most of the conversations around the class had quieted down or had stopped completely. Kaminari managed to speak.
"I, don't think he is at all." Mineta furrowed his brow.

"But... He's so cool! He's the number one hero!!" All conversations he's stopped at this point and everyone's attention was on the two. Kaminari had a look of slight disgust on his face at those words.

  He sighed, puting his pencil down- realizing he wasn't going to be able to finish the work, and mumbled
"He doesn't even deserve to have that title." A few students held back their laughter. Unbeknownst to the class, Aizawa had woken up and was also biting his tongue.

"What do you mean? Of course he does!" Mineta argued, crossing his arms with an annoyed look on his face. Kaminari rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair.
"As if, he can't even do something as simple as not hurt civilians while fighting the simplest of street thugs."

A small noise of amusement made its way out of Todoroki. Some students openly giggled at Kaminari. Mineta furrowed his brow further and grew more annoyed.
"Nuh-Uh! He's a hero!" Kaminari rolled his eyes again.

"Hardly, he's a bomb just waiting to blow. He's also way to Ego-centric to even be considered a hero." Todoroki choked on his water and started coughing. Iida and Momo were pating his back and trying to help while Tsu was smiling. Aizawa had secretly started recording and was holding back a wheeze.

Mineta frowned angrily.
"He is not! He never said he was Ego-centric." Everyone looked at him like he was stupid, cause he was. Kaminari looked utterly confused as he sat back up, grappling his pencil again.
"So? He still is. I don't understand how he's a hero, we can just replace him was a chicken nugget that's on fire and it would work better."

Todoroki, who could breathe again, snorted and almost fell out of his chair. Everyone was laughing at this point, Even Aizawa. Mineta turned red and starting stomping his foot on the the ground.
"He's a hero! If he never thought he was Ego-centric, that means he's not!" Kaminari glared at him.

"I was still gay before I thought I was." Everyone stopped laughing. Mineta froze. Kaminari's eyes widened and he put his hands over his mouth. Todoroki walked over to him.
"Hey-" Kaminari, who was red looked at him, still with his hand over his mouth.

"Did you just get so mad at someone defending my dad you accidentally came out?" Kaminari slowly nodded. Todoroki burst out in laughter and soon the whole class joined in.

Mineta furiously stormed out of the classroom. Aizawa was wheezing, hitting his desk with his hand and he dropped his phone. Everyone kept laughing. Kaminari smiled and joined the class in laughter.

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