Do You Ever?

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Do you ever just feel so done with yourself?
Do you ever just want to be someone else?
Do you ever want to tear your skin to shreds, every single part of it?
Do you ever close your eyes in the darkness of the night and whispers to yourself 'Just hold on' because you don't have anybody else to?
Do you ever want to cry, to scream, to be heard but yet no sound or tear escape you?
Do you ever want to hide away in fear of falling away?

Do you ever?

Claw your way out of yourself,
Tear yourself apart,
Scream into the night,
Hold your chest and cry,
Hang yourself to dry...

Do you ever feel so tired yet no sleep could make it better?
Do you ever watch people close to you laughing and living yet you can't understand how?
Do you ever ponder on whether it would be better for you to just disappear slowly with the darkness or fast as the light?

Watching everyone go on with their lives while you're stuck on the same spot
And the worse,
Is that no one realizes.

So you ask for help
You plead and you beg
You scream
And they only see when you're dead.

Do you ever wonder about it?
About being dead?
About somewhere where
Your pain and fears are not there?

Do you ever?

You don't know if you slowly let yourself drown while holding your breath
Or you get yourself higher to sink deeper,
You don't know whether you tie the rope or fly in the sky,
You don't know why you even think about it.

You hate it yet you love it
Because this is all you know
Because this is your home

So, tell me
Do you ever?

Because if you do,
I can tell you for sure
You're not the only one
You're not alone

So, I'm back with this. Hope you enjoyed this shit. Hope you're okay, feel free to talk to me if not. It would not be a burden, trust me. See you next time.

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