Chapter Four: Friend and Enemy

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3rd POV:

Yang: "Salem can't be killed...You all heard her too right?!" Yang said angrily as everyone but (Y/n) surrounded Ozpin, in Oscar's body.

Ozpin: "I-"

Yang: "There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay!?" Yang shouted at him as Ozpin was in tears, now that everyone knew his secret it was too much for him.

Ruby: "Professor...What is your plan on defeating Salem?" Ruby asked him.

Ozpin: "I...dont have one." He said honestly as suddenly Qrow charged at him and just as he was going to punch Ozpin in the face, an arm suddenly stopped him, Qrow and everyone were surprised as (Y/n) was the one who stopped him.

Qrow: "Let. Me. Go Red." Qrow said sternly.

(Y/n): "No." (Y/n) said when suddenly Qrow pulled his arm away as he turned around and punched (Y/n) in the face instead, (Y/n) took the punch without doing anything back, as he spit a bit of blood out of his mouth.

Qrow: "Why?!! Why the fuck are you protecting him after hearing all of that!!! He kept something that fucking big from all of us!! From me!! The one nobody wanted, the cursed one! He took me in and gave me a place in this world! He made me think I was doing something good!" Qrow shouted at him.

Ozpin: "But you are!" Ozpin said as Qrow glared at him.

Qrow: "Meeting you was the worst luck of my life." Qrow said to him.

(Y/n): "Are you done?" (Y/n) asked as he walked over to Ozpin and offered his hand.

Ozpin: "Why?" He asked him as (Y/n) didn't answer him, Ozpin was going to take his hand when suddenly Qrow grabbed (Y/n) by the collar of his shirt, (Y/n) looked over to Qrow.

Qrow: "What the hell is wrong with you Red? Why aren't you mad?! Or something?!" Qrow asked as (Y/n) used his metal arm and pushed him to the ground.

(Y/n): "You really want to know what I'm feeling right now?" He asked him.

(Y/n): "I'm fucking anxious, angry, and very conflicted, our enemy can't be killed, the person I felt I owed a lot too has lost a lot of my trust and respect, and I don't think I'm ever going to be able to forgive him." (Y/n) said turning to Ozpin.

(Y/n): "But the only reason I myself haven't hit you is because of Oscar, but I'm sorry Ozpin, as of this moment I don't trust you anymore, you have my sympathy for your suffering and you trying your hardest, but you don't have my trust, respect, or forgiveness." He said to him as Ozpin looked down in shame.

Ozpin: "For whatever it's worth, you're a good man (Y/n), a better one then I'll ever be." He said to (Y/n) as he looked over to Qrow.

Ozpin: "Maybe you're right." He said to him as his eyes glew yellow and Oscar was back in control.

Ruby: "What happened?" Ruby asked him.

Oscar: "He's gone..."

Yang: "That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet!" Yang said.

Oscar: "No, it's different I mean...i think he's gone, it's like he's locked himself deep inside my mind, our head? Agh! I hate this! I want it to stop!" He shouted.

Weiss: "He just left us!?"

Blake: "What are we going to do now?!"

(Y/n): "Enough!" (Y/n) shouted as lightning shot out of him to silence everyone.

(Y/n): "I understand you're all upset and confused, but he's gone, there ain't nothing we can do about that, but what we can do, is get our shit and leave, we've been spewing enough negativity out here as it is, now it's going to get dark soon, and I don't know about any of you but I'd rather not be attacked by anything tonight so we need to leave, now." He said to everyone as they all stood quiet.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.6Where stories live. Discover now