•|Jack Kline

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Sorry I've been away for a while

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Sorry I've been away for a while. It's been a pretty fucked up month for me but I'm back to fit your fanfiction needs.

Warnings: Lime
You and your boyfriend Jack we're sitting on the couch, thinking about what you two were going to do today. It's been ages since you and Jack were allowed to go on a hunt, let alone leave the bunker. After your father, Bobby, died the boys took you in. They already saw you as family when you lived with Bobby and after taking you in you were more like a little sister to them. The boys are a bit overprotective when it comes to you and they are also scared that some angel or demon might find Jack, attempting to take him. The boys were in the right mind and you understand why they didn't bring you on hunts, unless it was a short salt 'n burn. But you deserved to be allowed to get outside once a while. You knew not to argue with those idjits so you just needed to think of the next best thing, which brings us to now. Sam, Dean, and Cas are on a hunt in Wisconsin, hunting down a Djinn, which means you and jack have the bunker to yourselves.

You lied on Jacks chest as he rubbed soothing circles on your with arm with his thumb. "How about bored games?" You suggested. "I've played and replayed them all." Jack quickly answered. "Baking?" You ask again. "We don't have ingredients to bake, well, anything and you can't cook." He laughed. "Hey! I'm not that bad!" You pushed his shoulder jokingly. "Last time you almost burnt the bunker down." He chuckled. "Almost not actually." You giggled to match his mood. Every idea you had Jack pushed away and everything Jack wanted to do you didn't want to do.

"We could..." Jack started and smirked at you. "Do something a bit personal~" He pushes you on the couch and got on top of you, pinning your wrists down with his hands. He started to bring his head down to kiss and nibble on your neck in a playful way. "Jack! S-stop!" You laughed. Jack knew you were very ticklish and he knew every spot that made you jump with laughter. He took his hand off one of your wrists to go under your shirt. His cool hands against your warm skin made you gasp. Jack stopped kissing your neck and pushed your shirt up but not enough to take it off. He lowered his lips to your lower abdomen and started to kiss and suck on your soft skin. You started to squirm under his touch but his hips were on top of yours, making moving a very difficult action. You moaned as he used his tongue to lick the hickeys he left on your skin. Before he could take it a step further... your phone rang, unfortunately. He stopped his actions and looked at you and you looked at your phone. "It's probably Sam and Dean." You suggest. Jack let you get up to answer the call but seemed a bit dissatisfied with the lack of touch.

"Hello?" You answer the phone. "Hey Y/N, we need your help," "of course, what do you need?" You asked with a sigh, putting your hand on your head. You got up to walk to the library and write down some notes that Sam gave you. As you wrote down some details an idea came to Jack. He walked over to your table and grabbed your hips. You were a bit surprised at this action but before you could protest Jack whispered in your ear. "Shh, we don't want Sam to know what we've been doing," with that, jack bucked his hips to yours, causing the front side of you to be leaned on the table. You quietly yelped but Sam seemed to notice. "Y/N, you okay?" Sam asked with concern. Jack slipped one of his hands under your bra and shirt to massage your breast and the other hand in your jeans, rubbing your clit through the thin fabric of your panties. You gasped making Sam more concerned. "Y-yeah...Sa-Sam, I'm JUST f-fine." You fumbled with your words. Sam wasn't buying it but started to talk about the case again. You grabbed your pen and shakily wrote down some notes. Jack started to suck on your neck and give you a mix of hickeys and love bites. You bit your bottom lip to not make a sound when you drifted off, not paying attention to Sam. "Hello? Hello? Y/N!" You heard Sam yell at the other side of the phone. "Oh! Yeah, sorry, carry on." You spoke a bit more confidently. "Once your off the phone we're going to the bedroom and your going to be mine." That one sentence sent shivers down your spine, making you wet. "Do you think you and Jack could do some research about it?" Sam asked and you noticed you were spaced out again. "Oh, um, didn't c-catch th..that, could you...re-repeat that." You were talking to Sam but the last two words were meant for Jack. Jack caught on and repeated his action and slowly grind his hips into yours. "Fuck" you said panting. Sam was a mix of concern, confusion, and annoyed. "Are you sure your okay Y/N?" You could hear dean ask Sam what was wrong and put you on speaker. "I-I'm FINE...Sam-Sammy." Jack pushed two fingers inside you, causing you to yell the word with the wave of pleasure that ran through you.

"Y/N, it's Cas," shit. You forgot that Cas was there, which meant he could fly over anytime to see you. "You seem to be in pain, do you need my assist-" you cut him off when jack started to suck and kiss your sweet spot on your neck. "NO! I mean, n-no, I'm really f-fine," You panted. Jack smirked at your struggle to stay quiet and started to be more tough to make you have a harder time. "Do you want us to call back later?" Sam asked. You smiled at his words. "Honestly Sam, th-that would...be..gr-great," you replied. "Okay, just try to get some research done." With that Sam hung up the phone. You slammed the phone on the table and turned around to face Jack.

"My phone call ended but that doesn't mean you should stop." He smirked at your words and you jumped up on him, wrapping your legs around his waist. He walked you two to your shared bedroom and closed the door, making sure to lock it.

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