•|Jack Kline

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I know, I know, I've made a little too many Jack x reader fics

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I know, I know, I've made a little too many Jack x reader fics. Jack is just really cute and their isn't that many fanfics about him. I promise next story will be a different character.

Warnings: self harm, depression, angst

Summary: You, Sam, Dean, and your boyfriend Jack were hunting a wendigo in Michigan, the wendigo killed the girl you were protecting because it threw up to a wall, knocking you out cold.

You heard a scream echo through your head, waking you up. You had a massive headache and pain pounded through your body. You opened your eyes slightly but squeezed them close when a sharp pain hit your back. You tried opening up your eyes again, only to be greeted by blurry vision. You kept closing and opening your eyes until you could make out the scene in front of you. You saw Sam kill the wendigo while Dean got up from the ground, where he presumably was thrown at. Jack held the girls lifeless body when realization ran through your head, that was enough motivation to make you try to and pick yourself up from the floor.

You slowly pushed your body up with your arms and rest your back on the wall of the cave. You groaned at the pain and tried to get on your feet. You pulled your leg towards you and groaned once more. Your leg was definitely broken. You ignored it and used the caves wall for support. Sam and Dean were panting and walked over to Jack, who was holding the woman. You limped over to them and got beside your boyfriend. Jack looked over to you and realized the amount of pain you were going through. He gave the body to Sam and slung your arm over his shoulder, holding you close to his side.

Your vision stopped spinning and you found Sam holding the body, the lifeless dead body.

This is all my fault.

You thought to yourself. You could already feel the self loathing approaching your mind. You looked up at Dean who was walking back and forth, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He hates me.

You already knew Dean was on his breaking point with you now. "Dean, I-I didn't-" you couldn't finish your sentence before you were cut off. "Shut up, Y/N." He muffled his frustrated words. You didn't want to listen to him, you needed him to understand. "I'm sorry," that's all that came out before you looked down at your feet. "Sorry? Say that to the dead girl you PROMISED to protect! Do you think sorry is going to save her?!" Dean yelled at you, his words echoed through the cave. "Dean, stop." Sam said sternly. Sam knew that it wasn't your fault, but that didn't help the fact you felt like a screw up. "No sam! She needs to hear this!" You knew what was to come. "She was your responsibility, yours! She trusted you! You think I'm going to pity you just because you got knocked out?! Real hunters don't need pity!" You felt tears brim your eyes and Jacks grip on you tighten in a protective fashion. "Dean!" Sam yelled, obviously annoyed at his older brothers temper. "Your just as pathetic as your mother." Dean clenched his fists. His words pierced through your heart.

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