chapter 12

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I was woken up by my phone alarm with that I sat up and started to stretch my body " god I feel good " I said yarning even though all that drama that happen yesterday I could help to say I slept great  I got up and head to the bathroom to take a bath a soon I I lock the door  I started to strip all the cloth I have on I about yo took I my top when I saw my face it looked good as new even better I touch and examine my face  after cheack out my face I contuninue what I was doing and hope my ass in the shower

I got out of the bath room drying my  now clean wet hair I made my way to my wake in closet to choose a outfit to were 

I think you should were some thing that I sexy and will make our mate beg to have us back

well look who is back for the depesip of crying

don't start missy you were there too how  many hourse a go 

mumm you right but mow I not the time for our deail those of aruguing about stupid things 

fininaly  the idiot  have scence 

you bitch you want to start now 

oh shut up and choose a outfit 

fine but this is not the end 

yea yea she said before drifting to the back of my mind

even though she is annoying I cant help to say I am glade she is back to her normal self  but I gust the apple don't drop far from the tree like companion like wolf I  gust 

after searching a few mints I finial found the perfect out fit I found them perfect one 

shown above ^

after that I head to  get my hair ready and make up 

five minis 

after a long hard struggle to get my hair read let me tell you the struggle Is real I know how you feel I finial became that 

after a long hard struggle to get my hair read let me tell you the struggle Is real I know how you feel I finial became that 

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nice right that after a  next hard long srugle to get my make up right it was fininaly perfect it look like that 

nice right that after a  next hard long srugle to get my make up right it was fininaly perfect it look like that 

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