"WHY,WHY what did I ever do to you tell me tell me "I screamed at the bastered who rejected me as his mate at the top of my lungs with tears streaming do my cheeks that could make a river "tell me tell me what have I ever done to make you rejected...
it been a week since my birthday which was great but still haven't found my mate but I am a little sad cause he is not from my pack
ugh" my body hurts like fuck I quickly got up and touched my face juice ready to pop it was swollen like a red tomato my tou look as if I will explode soon my body have rashes all over I quickly ran down stairs when everyone had stock written all over there face like they just saw the devil " queen is that you my brother ask "of course it is me I said sounding a little weird which made every one laugh they ass off who was on the floor with trying tears trying to escape there eyes " stop laughing this Is not funny " I said which was spouse to be shout but it just made them laugh even harder " I was getting pised off my brother could sense it so made them stop laughing " so queen did you eat something you are allegoric to " he ask it was more like he was telling me because of his facial expression " of course not do I look like I am a idiot fool " in my squeaky voice everyone was trying to hole in there laugh even my so call brother " fine what ever you say said between chuckle " I you try to say I am wrong of course I know what I put In my mouth " I said again they all finial burst into laugh " ok sis just drink your tablets and you are good to go and you need to hurry we have to leave to go to the alpha king " he said patting my shoulder
what I cant go like this " I something like shouting "you have no choice " I quickly turn and drag my self up stair
time skype
we finial arrive I was wearing a sweat pants and a black jurcy with a hoodie to cover my face I wore a face mass
I was the last to exited the car as soon as I step out everyone started to stare at me tham thes fuckers like cant than don't look at me if they continue I might loos it I was use to begin the attention but this felt weird I quickly ran up to my brother and hock our hands he look at me and flesh me asmile before continue walking he tne mind link me tell me who teberile I look I just told him shut up we could laugh we need to make good a impression opps I forgot because of the staring this place look breath taking it was gigantic and wow I am speech less I don't no what to say if I was a gold digger I would scudce the alpha king but na I was taught better than that work for what you want not steal .
when all came to the door were greeted by a wolf which is the beta of the pack dame he was like hot got muscles in all the right place proper stuff you call that I thought to my self my brother introduce us formally gosh he sound stupid speaking like he Is rish guy though he is but speaking like that god no I was Snape out of my though by my brother telling me to introduce my self through the mind link " I am the alpha sister queenesha " it sound weird but I think they understand or no he looked at me a little weird for a while " why are you dress and sound like that " he asked oh he is a personal one mind you own business " allergic reactions " I said trying to be polite with that he node and signal us to follow him in side was more breath taking than the out side I felt like am in in heaven could I be dead na with the things I do and say I would end up in the oppose of that
after finish on packing my Stuff in my asome room which look like this
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I felt tired but my foot told me other wise so I quickly sneak out this place and avoid stares of other but I end up getting them and whispers anyways I quickly ran through the forest in human form even though I transfer into my wolf when I was you once but now have to wait to find my mate to wake herup because of how fierce and dangerous she is the elders made a withch put he in a deep sleep she so just like me but the only thing I learn to control my temper
after running for ten mints I found my self by a lake It was Georgios but than suddenly I heard a rustling in the bushes