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SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE FOR SOOO LONG , I HONESTLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS BOOK 😭. so shoutout to armauni26  cause she asked me to update 😂. cause babyyyy this book would not be updated @ all 😂.
Massiah; (the next day)
"siah wake up , siah" Trinity said while shaking me . My eyes fluttered open. "We finna get on the road , so ma said you gotta home till we get back" Trinity said. I got up to brush my teeth & get my stuff together.

"Alright call me when y'all home & i'll come back because lord knows I don't wanna be at that house with Reggie creepy ass" I mentally rolled my eyes. "Oh call me and let me know y'all made it safe." I said while opening the door. "Alright I will." Trinity replied as she closed the door.

Walking to Reggie apartment, I peeped Ralo car and my mind quickly drifted to last night. "Fuck he doing over here so early" I said to myself while walking the steps to the apartment.

I knocked on the door & Reggie came to the door with a towel wrapped around his lower half.

"Siah" he said while flashing his pearly whites. "I was wondering when you were coming back" he told me while closing the door behind me. "Why ? you needed me for something ?" i asked. "No just missed that pretty face of yours" he said while smirking. "Where's my ma ?" i asked completely ignoring the statement he just said. "Uh she's out looking for jobs I believe so" he said still smiling with that creepy ass face of his. "Oh okay" was all I said.

"So how old are you again ?" Reggie asked me while taking a seat beside me on the couch. His strong ass old people cologne filled my nose & almost made me sick to my stomach.

"Uh 17" i said while frowning at him. "You know I always thought you were better looking than your ma" he said while getting closer to me.  "Uhm thanks" I said while scooting over. "Are you a virgin" he asked bluntly. My head snapped in his direction. "Excuse you?" i said getting up. "I'm just asking" he looked me up & down. "You damn sho don't look like one" he said while licking his lips.

"You're being inappropriate as fuck & i'm finna call my ma" i said picking my phone up.

"Nah you ain't finna do none of that." he said while snatching my phone out my hand. He grabbed me & pushed down on the couch. He dropped his towel & got on top of me. "MOVE GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME" i screamed to the top my lungs. "Stop playing like you ain't been wanting this" He said while trying to get my shorts off. "Please i'll do anything just don't do this" i said while crying. "Nah bitch i want you so ima have you" he said sternly.

The door opened.

"The fuck is going on in here" My ma said while looking at the both of us.

He jumped up off of me. "You're daughter been trying to come on to me for the longest" he said lying.

"WHAT .. look at him ! he's naked" I said while pointing at his dick.

"Babe when I got out the shower she came on to me & pulled my towel off" he said while walking up to my ma grabbing her hand.

I stood there , shocked as fuck that this nigga really sitting here lying.

"He is lying, he pushed me on the couch and tried to pull my shorts down , you think i'm crying for no reason ?" i said to my ma still crying.

"Siah I do be seeing the way you look at Reggie & my heart is telling me that he is telling the truth" My ma said while standing in front of Reggie.

"Are you fuckin serious, HE TRIED TO FUCKIN RAPE ME and you're going to sit here and believe him over your own child ?" I said .. the tears were taking over at this point.

"Get your shit & get out my house" Reggie said while smirking.

"I will bitch" I said to him with so much resent. I started to grab everything I could pack and the rest I would just have to come back for it later.

I made sure to bump Jamie on the way out the door and slam it.

As I was walking out of the building I just thought to myself.... Damn I don't even have nowhere to go dawg wtf. How the fuck could my own ma believe a nigga over me. That nigga tried to rape me the fuck I look like coming on to a grown ass man. MY MA MAN at that.

I walked over to Trinity building and sat on the stoop. I started crying just because I couldn't hold it in nomore.

I heard footsteps coming up beside me.

"Yo siah is that you" the voice sounded familiar so I looked up. "Wtf why are you sitting here crying" JD said to me. "I don't wanna talk about it right now JD" I said to him. "Nah fuck that where Trinity at ? , she know you out here crying like this ? YO TRINITY" he yelled out. "Stop you're making a scene" I said as I noticed people were looking our way. "So fuck them , yo why Trinity not coming outside? TRINITY" he yelled again. "She's not here stop yelling please you're making me have a worse headache" I said while rubbing my temples.

"Why do you have your stuff with you" he questioned me once again.

"I said I don't wanna talk about it right now , the fuck don't you understand ?" I said getting aggravated.

He chuckled.

"Nah you gon tell me , come on we finna go to my crib." He said.

"Is Ralo over there" I asked hoping he's not. "Yea but he finna leave ina lil while." I sighed. I stood up and grabbed my stuff , tears still cascading down my face.

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