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Excuse the grammar errors.

"Yea ima come thru later on after I leave my boy house"
"Don't be lying Ralo"
"I'm not damn , don't have nothing on when I get over there neither"
"Okay daddy"

I hung up the phone & turned my attention back to the TV.

"Damn where the fuck is JD with the rellos bro" I said to myself.

I heard the door open & in came JD.. empty handed. "Bitch where tf th-" I stopped in mid sentence when I seen Siah come in with her bags & she looked like she had been crying.

"I didn't go to the store yet , when I had went out there I heard crying & I looked & seen that it was Siah that was doing the crying." He explained .

"But aye I'm finna go right now" He said walking towards the door. "And missy we gon talk when I get back so don't go nowhere." JD said to Massiah.

She nodded her head.

"I wonder wtf happened to her. Should I ask ? She probably gon go crazy on me. Nah fuck it ima just ask." I said to myself.

"What happened, you straight?" She just looked at me & put her head back down. "I asked you a question" I said getting aggravated.

"You never cared about me then so why tf are you so worried about me now ?" She said wiping her face.

"I'm just tryna find out wtf is up with you.. I'm tryna find out why tf you sitting on my potna couch looking homeless & shit" I told her.

She scoffed. "Well if you must know your ma "boyfriend" or w.e tried to rape me & he told ma that it was me that tried to come on to him." She said while starting to cry all over again.

"HE TRIED TO WHAT ?" I was getting heated af , everything in my right mind told me to go over there & put a hole in his head.

"He tried to rape me & ma believed him over me" she cried. "See this why I can't fw her man , y'all must live with that nigga ?" I asked. "Yea but now I have nowhere to stay since he kicked me out & she didn't even say shit that's what crazy to me like how could she turn on me so quick?" She vented.

I came over to the couch she was at & wrapped my arm around her. "Look I know shit crazy between us but I don't wanna turn my back on you , I know you were going thru a hard time with her & I -".

She lifted her head up.

"So you mean to tell me that you knew I was having a hard time living with her & you still didn't come help ?" She chuckled. "You really ain't shit bru" she pushed my arm off her. "Man I was going thru sum shit too , I was all alone by myself bru , I ain't have nobody at all but aye what you not finna do is talk to me like I'm one of yo homeboys!" I said sternly.

"I said what I said Ralo" she rolled her eyes. "Man back to what the fuck I saying .. I don't wanna leave you hanging & I definitely don't wanna leave you in these streets to fend for yourself." I told her truthfully.

"So what are you saying Ralo"

"You can stay with me" I replied

" I can't , I don't wanna be a burden on anyone. I don't have a job so I don't wanna be a freeloader." She said shaking her head.

"I'm barely home anyways I'm always over here so you don't even have to be there most of the time, you could just go to your homegirl house while I'm at JD house" I said.

"I'll just figure this out by myself , Trinity comes back tomorrow so I'll just have to find somewhere to stay till then , thanks tho." She said while getting up to walk out the door.

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