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A/N - sorry I haven't updated ina min , I been busy ! But ima try to get at least 3 chapters in today. (keyword TRY)😭😭 but make sure y'all follow me on Instagram: @za.kiyaa !
As I was laying in bed , I realized I had barely ate at all today. Getting up throwing my hoodie on & slides on , I grabbed my keys and proceeded out the door.

I remembered that I needed blunts and I wanted some skittles , so I made my way to the Arab store up the street from my crib. I got there and put my car in park and sat there for a good 10mins before going in.

I got out the car and went into the store. Speaking to the owner Ahsan , we chopped it up for a min before I got my stuff.

"What kind of blunts?" Ahsan asked me. "Uhhh hand me them White Grape White Owls" I told him.

"I need to see your ID" He said. "Mannnn I come in this mf everyday , you know me fam" I replied. "Nah I'm just playin with you my ni-" I side eyed him before he could even finish his words.

I grabbed my stuff and made it out the door , as I was walking out I see some niggas fucking with somebody in a alley across the street. I thought they were just robbing a nigga so I just kept making my way to my car.

I stopped when I heard a girl scream. I don't fuck with that rape shit so I put my bag in the passenger seat and grabbed my gun from under my seat.

Walking over to the alley , one of the niggas looked up and seen me and tapped his boy.

"Fuck y'all niggas doing to this girl" I said to them. "Aye boy this grown people take your ass down the corner somewhere" One of the heavyset niggas said. "Nah I ain't going nowhere" I pulled my gun out and they started to back up.

"Chill bro we ain't even do nothing to her yet , she's a fucking fighter." One nigga said. "Man watch tf out , you niggas try anything and ima blow your fucking brains out." I said walking up the girl.

She had knees up to her forehead, shaking and crying.

"Aye shawty" I said as I bent down to touch her. She jumped soon as I touched her. "I ain't finna do nothing to you , just come with me." I told her.

She lifted her head up and my heart dropped to my stomach. Her eyes got big and she hugged my neck so tight.

I got up and looked at all those niggas and gave them one bullet each to the head.

"Come on Siah , get your stuff you coming with me foreal this time." I told her as I grabbed one of her bags.

We walked back to my car and got in.

"Siah I'm so sorry , I'm sorry this happened to you , I'm sorry I didn't come sooner , I'm sorry I didn't try to look for you once we were separated , I'm sorry for everything man . You're only 17 suh you shouldn't be going thru nun of this , I'm the big brother I'm suppose to protect you thru whatever and I failed , but now shit different I'm not letting you out my sight unless I know you're somewhere safe and secured.

She just nodded her head while looking out the window.

"If you don't wanna talk now , it's straight . You hungry ?" I asked her.

She shook her head no.

"Alright then I'm finna pull up to McDonald's right quick and then we can be on our way home.

I pull up to McDonald's and go thru da drivethru.

"Hello welcome to McDonald's, order when you're ready." Some lady said.

"Uhhhh lemme get the 20 piece chicken nugget , with a sweet tea & buffalo sauce." I told her.

"Will that be all sir ?" She asked.

I looked at Siah & she was still looking out da window. "You sure you don't want anything? I asked her.

She shook her head no.

"Yea thassit"

"Okay your total will be $7.58 , pull up to the front window" she said.

I pull up to the front window and realized da cashier was one of da bitches that was crazy over me.

I started to laugh when the girl named Keasia realized it was me shit funny cause this girl used to always tell me "I'll never work in fast food , that's for broke bitches , my parents forever got me" . Now look at her ass.

She looked at Siah.

"So this why you haven't been returning my phone calls cause you bood up with some bitch !?" Keasia said making a scene.

"Mannn go on nie you ain my bitch , don't lose this job tryna show tf out" I told her.

"Naw cause I just wanna kno who tf dat is , you ain been picking up my calls and responding to my texts for this bitch ?!" Keasia said.

"Bih go get my mfn food and get to fuckin flipping burgers , & you sound fuckin stupid cuh dis my sister,stupid ass girl" I said .

Her eyes widened. "Your sister ? , wow Ralo , so I just showed my ass for nun ?" Keasia said while handing me my food.

I was watching her to make sure she ain't do nun to it.

"Bitch I told you stop tryna show out , now delete my number." I said while driving off.

Pulling up to my crib , we got out and headed to the door. Walking in , I sat my bags on the counter.

"Come on I'll show you where to put your stuff at" I told Siah.

We walked upstairs to the guest room , it was empty but I'm gonna take her to pick out her bed and shit tomorrow.

"It's empty right now , only cause I don't be in here but tomorrow or whenever you want we can go and pick out you a bed and the rest of the stuff , cool ?" I asked her.

"Yea that's cool , thank you" she replied back.

"You can sleep on the couch tonight or you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch." I said.

"It's straight I'll sleep on the couch.." she said.

"So I don't have much rules in this house , just clean up after yourself and don't have no niggas running in and outta here & don't touch my thermostat." We both laughed.

"Alright that's fine, thank you again Ralo" she said and then gave me a hug.

"You know it ain't no problem , I shoulda been on top of this a long time ago real shit." I told her.

I'm glad now that's she's here with me and safe rather than out there doing god knows what to survive.

"Alright then the bathroom down the hall , tomorrow we can get everything you need or I'll just give you money to get the stuff if you don't feel comfortable but ima have somebody watch you."

"Okay" was all she said before going downstairs.
I didn't proofread so if some stuff is misspelled my apologies.

Follow me on Instagram tho @za.kiyaa !
Twitter : kiyaaduhh
Facebook: Za'Kiya Walker
Snapchat : @selfmadekiya

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