1~ A New Case...

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Ryan's POV:

The day started off just like any other. Bergara got to work, placed his laptop on the desk and started going through the many emails he had yet to open and read. While some were spam and others were actually important, there was one that stood out. This one was a suggestion for an Unsolved episode. The subject line read "You should probably investigate the jersey devil." Ryan raised a brow, this was a creature he had heard of numerous times before. Whether it'd be when he was searching for another case for the show or simply when he'd wander onto the supernatural side of YouTube every now and then. It was a constant in his recommendations, as were videos related to Bigfoot and the Mothman. Like the previous two, he'd simply click "Not interested" and would continue binging whatever he was into that particular day, but this time he was a bit intrigued. Part of the reason he didn't delete the letter right away was because he received it from his friend Luke. The email detailed an account, apparently from a witness who knew Luke, telling him about this person's encounter with the strange being.

"First off, I hope your day's been a good one, Ry. If you're looking for new ghoulish legends to investigate, this buddy of mine told me a story that you might be interested in. He called me up yesterday to tell me about this. Apparently, he was camping when he saw it. He said he had heard some strange noises all day but hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary. So he and his brother made camp, left the sight alone, then went fishing. When they came back, the place was a mess. At first they thought bears but that made no sense, there were no bears in this area of the forest and they hadn't left any food outside of a container to attract an animal to the camp grounds. They can't figure out what did it, but they clean everything up quickly because it's getting late. Here is when things get weirder: my buddy wakes up at some point in the night, realizing his brother is no longer next to him. He grabbed a flashlight and ran out of the tent to search for him. He was screaming his name trying to find him, luckily it didn't take too long.

His brother was tied up by both his hands and legs in between two large trees in a clearing. His head was hanging towards the front of his body, making my friend unsure whether he was unconscious or dead. He ran towards him and started shaking him, trying to get a reaction. Eventually his brother opened his eyes. When he asked what happened, he didn't get an answer. His brother had no clue what happened or how he got there. Since neither one of them had a knife with them, he tried untying the ropes. When doing this, he heard the same noise they had heard during the day. This made both brothers look up into the trees and that's when he saw it, perched on a branch.

He said it was tall, definitely taller than him and his brother. It had hooves for feet and stood on its hind legs, huge bat-like wings, the face of a horse as well as a long reptile-like tail. He also mentioned it having large, glowing red eyes.

He says it lunged at him while shrieking but once it got very close, it started to shake its head and groan, almost in a painful manner. He says this is when he remembered he was wearing a cross around his neck. Thinking that was the reason for the creature's sudden reaction, he pulled it off and basically rebuked it until it flew away. He said he stayed with his brother in case it came back and called 911 immediately after. After an hour, they finally showed up, freed his brother and took them to a hospital to make sure there was nothing wrong with either one of them. Physically they were both fine but they can't get over what they saw.

Ryan, I know this sounds like a bunch of bull, especially since they were in the same tent and, somehow, the creature managed to get close enough to take one man out of the tent but didn't become effected by the cross the other man was wearing? And yet it effected it outside of it? Not to mention, he said it had hooves for feet on all 4 legs! How could it grab his brother and drag him out of the tent? It makes no sense, I'm very aware of this but I believe these guys. I grew up with them. They were raised by old-school christians. Very religious 'cryptids aren't mentioned in the Bible so they can't be real' type christians! There's no way they would've made this shit up for publicity or attention. Something definitely happened that night in the Pine Barrens. Exactly what? I have no idea, but something.

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