Chapter 1 - The Day of Serena

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Authors note:  Hiya! So this is my first fanfic story, so excuse any mistake and rough patches. This will mainly be in Nate and Serena's POV. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or anything, this is a fan fiction of the show Gossip Girl. Anyways, enjoy!
The day before....
Blair POV:
"UGH! I'm going to be late! Today is Serena's birthday, I can't miss it. Especially since I'm supposed to help set up." Blair yelled to herself. She had no idea what to wear, where Serena's gift was and how she could shower in the last 5 minutes she had before she was supposed to be there!
Serena POV:
Today is it, today is the day.. I'm officially 16. Serena thought to herself. She was excited but also kind of sad, she wasn't going to be her young teenager self anymore, she's practically an adult now. *soft knock on the door* "Serena, honey? Are you awake?" It was her mom. Serena sighed "Yes, mom, I'm awake." Her mom walked in and hugged her daughter so tight Serena thought she was going to pop "Ok, mom. That's enough.. Ow, ow OW." She pulled away instantly from her mom. "Sorry, dear I'm just so happy yet so upset you aren't my little Serena anymore." Serena stared at her mom blankly, thinking the same thing.. She was upset and nervous for the future ahead.."Serena, are you ok? You look a little pale." Her mother asked with worry in her voice. Serena snapped out of wherever world she was in at the time "Oh, yeah sorry mom I'm kind of tired and zoned out right now." Her mother stared at her for a second and then nodded. "Alright well ill be downstairs Blair should be here soon you should get ready." Serena finally sat up "ok, mom thanks" She rolled out of bed and began to get dressed.
Nate's POV:
Today was it. Today is the day Nate plans to confess his love to Serena. On her 16th birthday. "Man, it's crazy how fast we all are growing up. It feels like middle school was just yesterday." Nate exclaimed to Chuck who wasn't really paying attention, only to his phone waiting to hear from Blair. "Helloo, earth to Chuck?" Nate asked. Chuck turned to Nate and sighed "Yeah, yeah whatever." He replied. Nate rolled his eyes, grabbed his coat and a little box, which of course was to be Serena's present and walked out the door.
Gossip Girl Blast
Looks like our little innocent Serena isn't so little anymore, or innocent we should say. Today's the day of her 16th birthday. Will she be different? Matured? Hahaha. No. I bet our little Serena will still be the same old Serena, especially after being seen picking up a pack of wine, not many members of her family drink. Guess it's just a celebration for herself. But we all know how that went last year...
Ill be watching. Xoxox, Gossip Girl.


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