Have You Gone Insane? //28 (Actor: DD)

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I know that this doesn't happen in the The Amazing Spider-Man but I couldn't think of any other idea so here it is! Hope y'all enjoy!!!


*Y/n's POV*

I am not like most people. I never have been. My father and mother were both scientists. I usually went to their lab at Oscorp to help them. But then one day something went wrong in their lab and a toxic chemical got exposed. It only hit my parents and I because they had their own lab and no one else was in it.

They didn't survive. Though for some reason, I did. It hurt like hell when it mixed with my body. After a few minutes the unbearable pain went away. I looked to the right and left of me, seeing my parents limp bodies laying on the ground. I remember crying for hours and not believing I didn't have parents anymore. That's when I met my best friends. Peter Parker and Harry Osborn.

Harry was pretty famous considering his dad was Norman Osborn. Peter, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Harry, and Norman became my new family. But tragedy came once again when Norman and Ben died. Peter, Harry, and I were all broken. We didn't know what to do because we had all lost a family member that we love.

A few years pass by and now Peter and I have powers. We found out on the same day at his apartment when I saw him climbing on walls. I accidentally freaked out and while I was freaking out my hand moved up and I threw him into the wall. So basically he had spider-powers and I had telekinesis.

Today Peter and I are waiting for Harry at the airport because he had went to Australia for about a month. (That was from the video game Spider-Man on the PS4) He didn't tell us why but we didn't question him. I saw him walk out from the gate and I broke out into a sprint. I jumped into his arms and he swung me around.

"I am so happy your back! We missed you so much!" I practically screamed in his ear. He chuckles and finally puts me down. Peter has a big smile on his face while walking up to Harry. They hug then pull back.

"So what did I miss while I was gone?" Harry questions.

"Oh nothing much other than the fact that MJ and Peter are officially back together!" I yell with excitement.

Harry gasps, "Really!? Yay man! I'm so happy for you!"

Peter chuckles and grabs onto Harry's shoulder, "Thanks man! I appreciate it!" We all laugh and walk out of the airport, climbing into my car.


*Harry's POV*

It had been two hours since Peter and Y/n have dropped me off at my apartment. The reason why I was in Australia for a whole month because it just so happened that I inherited my dads disease. There is this bacteria in my body that it just feasting off of my body, which is causing me to slowly die and my skin to turn green like a goblin. Before my dad died he had created this weird serum that had officially turned him into the Green Goblin.

But that didn't help him live longer. It made him die quicker. But maybe if I try it, it will work differently for me. With that Idea in my brain, I order my driver to drive me to Oscorp. Once we arrive there I tell my driver that I will only be a minute. Though in my head I know I will be longer.

I slide my I.D. card into the scanner and the doors open. (I know this doesn't happen in the movie but it makes sense for this imagine) After a few minutes, I finally get to the basement. No one has ever been down here except for my dad, Peter, Y/n, and me. I see the green serum, then grab it from the test tube holder. Walking over to the weaponry wall, I grab a gun just in case someone decides to pay me an unexpected visit. I slowly stalk over to the neon green serum that was encased in a clear test tube. I snatch it out of the test tube holder and analyze it.

Let's hope that this works...

I hear footsteps approaching at a fast pace. I spin around to face the people who had intruded. My eyes settle as I see Peter and Y/n standing there shocked and panicked. I raised the gun, facing it towards my two best friends.

Y/n raised her hands in surrender, "Harry, we don't want to hurt you ok? What is going on with you?"

I sighed and ever so slightly lowered my gun, "I went to Australia because before my dad had died, he said that his disease was genetic. Which means that I will most likely receive it. So, he said he would one day send me to Australia because they apparently had a cure. Then as you both know, he passed away. So, I went to Australia so that I could get the cure and my body be saved. But, they ended up not having one. The doctors, scientists, and I were constantly looking for any cure. We still hadn't found one. Since this trip ended up being pointless, I thought that maybe I just give myself powers and die from that."

Peter stood there in shock, while Y/n stood there with tears pricking her eyes.

I continued, "And now I'm slowly dying. I just need this serum to give me powers and I will live for longer! So please let me do this!" I slowly put the needle that has the serum into my arm. Pain shoots through my arm for a mere millisecond. I lose control over my brain. The serum takes over and makes me raise my gun. I aim it towards Y/n and Peter. They both gasp and scoot back. I rub my shoulder and smile creepily. The serum is making my skin crawl and itch.

"Harry, have you gone insane!?" Y/n screeches.

"Harry listen to us! We are your best friends!" I hear Peter yell.

"If you were my best friends then you would let me do this without harm!" I yell back. They both look at each other and nod.

"We don't want to have to do this, but it's for your own safety!" They jump out of the building then return in superhero suits. Peter is in the Spider-Man suit while Y/n is in a red trench coat that went down to her calves, with a skin tight black bodysuit. She also had on black ankle high boots. To be honest, she looked so badass. 

"Harry, listen to us! We love you and we will find a way to cure you!" Peter yells.

I raise my gun at their heads and they back up a little, "No! YOU WON'T!" I take the safety off my gun and rest my pointer finger on the trigger.

"Harry, please listen to me! We will help you!" Y/n cautiously walks towards me. I slowly lower my gun, "I want to help you all that I can. Peter probably even more because he loves you and you're his best friend and maybe even brother!" I look back towards Peter, he nods his head.  

"Stop saying it if you don't mean it!" I instantly raise my hand and start to push on the trigger, but before I can actually push it, the gun flies out of my hand. It hits the wall next to me and I look to who flung the gun out of my hand. Y/n. 

"I'm sorry but I don't want to do this!" She puts up her hand and flings me into the wall. I feel my bones being crush as my back slams into the concrete wall.

"PETER NOW!" Peter shoots a web at me, sticking me to the wall.

"Sorry man, but this is for your own good." He puts two fingers up to his ear, "Prisoner in Oscorp Building in basement. Come now." He looks back to me, "Bye man. Nice knowing ya." He sadly looks down and swings off.

Y/n slowly walks towards me tears brimming her eyes, "I thought you were better than this Harry." She sniffles and shakes her head, "But I guess not. And to think I actually loved you romantically." She walks up to me and slowly places her soft lips on mine. My body heats up then goes numb. She gently pulls back then looks down. She shakes her head slowly, turns around, and sprints off the building, flying away.

She loved me. But not anymore. I wish I told her that I still love her now.


Word Count: 1,495

Hey peoples! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time I have just been extremely busy! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeee!


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