Disney World //39 (Actor: TH)

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Hello there! I am finally updating again! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Love y'all! This idea came to me because I'm going to Disney World in August and this is how I would imagine Peter Parker would react to going to Disney World.

Warnings: Slight sexual mentions


*Y/n's POV*

When I first met Peter, he wasn't a very happy or positive person. I don't blame him though. Tony Stark had just died. I knew about Peter being Spider-Man, so losing his mentor must've been killing him. He missed school for about two weeks. By the end of the first week I came to visit because I was starting to get worried that he hasn't been to school for a week. I knocked on the door and May opened the door.

She let me in and I walked up to Peter's room ad I heard crying. I instantly got worried and quietly opened the door.

Peter was curled up into a fetal position on his bed, hugging a picture. Slowly walking up towards him, I wrapped my arms around hi and soothed him. He turned around and hugged me tighter.

"Shhh... It's gonna be okay Peter..."

"I just miss him so much..." His voice held so much pain and suffering. "Every single time I see this picture I can only remember all the good times I had with him..." He held up the picture for me to see...

I took it from his hands a smiled a little

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I took it from his hands a smiled a little.

"Promise me that you'll never leave me. You are my favorite person in the whole entire world and bestest friend. I can't afford to lose you." I started to tear up a little but I needed to be strong for Peter.

"Don't worry Peter. You will never lose me." He looks up at me and smiles. "How about we go to Delmars and then got and get Ice Cream?"

He immediately jumps up and over me. "OH. MY. GOSH! Best freakin' idea! Let's go!"

I laugh and follow him onto the streets towards Delmars...

That was about two years ago. Today is me and Peter's 1 year anniversary. It honestly as been the best year of my life. Peter is one of the dorkiest people I know but that also makes him the sweetest person I know.

A few months ago I found out that Peter has never been to Disney world. He hasn't even been on a plane before. I decided I should change that. I mean, we're juniors, we gotta live a little.

"Hey Peter! Happy one year anniversary!" I run up to him and down the school's hall. I wrap my legs around his while he spins me around.

"Happy one year anniversary babe!" He says while hugging me. "Here, I got you this."

He hands me a plushie of Spider-Man with a note that looks to be written by him.

"Aww thanks babe!" I give him a peck on the lips. I started to read the note and it said 'Happy anniversary baby! This has been the best year of my life and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you much babe!'

I smiled widely and looked up at him. He was blushing hard and I kissed his cheek.

"Babe, this was so thoughtful! Thank you!"

"It's definitely no problem!"

"Now it's time for my gift!" I grab the two tickets for disney and put them in his hand.

I see him reading it then his eyes go wide. "Babe! You got us DIsney tickets!?"

"Yep sure did! When you told me you've never been to Disney World I knew I had to change that. So, I thought today would be the perfect day to change that!"

"Oh my gosh these are amazing! Thank you so much!"

"Yeah it's no problem! We're leaving in about two weeks so during spring break we're gonna be there."

"Ok cool! When I get home I'll start packing."

"Ok! I'll come over to help and then we can have a Star Wars marathon."

"Sounds good! Alright bye babe! I gotta go to Spanish. Wish me luck!"

I laugh at him "Alright bye babe! See ya later"

*Time Skip to spring break because I'm too lazy to write out them packing haha*

"Our flight is in about four hours. We can go get something to eat and then drive over to the airport and wait." Peter nodded his head and grabbed his bags. We made our way to the car to drive over to Delmar's to get a quick bite.

Although Peter seemed to be more excited than me, he was excited for a different reason. This was his first time going to Disney World while I am excited for the suprise I have in store for him. Since we are going during the summer, ad Disney World, there is somethign called the Summer of Superheroes. So basically, all the Avengers characters come out and you can meet them. What Peter didn't know was that they had Spider-Man there. Peter was always thinking that he wasn't that big of a superhero, so I'm hoping he will think this is a cool experience.

*Skip to time of flight*

Peter and I get on the palne and wait for it to take off. "Babe, this is so exciting! I've never been on a plane before and I've never been to Disney World before. This trip is just full of new experiences." He says as his eyes shine with pur joy.

I giggle and kiss him "I'm glad you're happy! That is my main mission for this trip"

The plane starts to take off and thus starts our trip to Orlando, Florida...

*Skipping to when they get into their hotel room which is in the Disney World

"Man, this hotel is beautiful!" Peter goes to open up the drapes where we have the perfect view of the massive pool and in the distance you can see the top of Cinderella's Castle.

"OMG BABE! You can see everything from here!" I smile and walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you like it Pete. It makes me happy seeing you happy." He turns around and pulls me into a hug.

"I couldn't ask for anyone better to spend this trip with. You're so perfect and I love you with all my heart."

I start to tear up and smile widely "Aww baby! Thank you so much! I love you so much and I agree. There is no other person in the whole entire world that I would rather be spending time with right now."

He pulls me into a slow and passionate kiss. I kiss back and he slowly lays me down on the bed.

I pull back for a second "Uh uh Mister. Try to contain yourself." He groans and I giggle. I give him a litle peck.

"How am I supposed to contain myself when I'm gonna be in the same room as you for the next few days!"

"You've done it before! I practically live at your house and you've been able to! And i've been wearing more revealing clothes than this..." He groans again and I laugh even louder.

"You're killing me!" He giggles and I just smile.

"C'mon. We gotta get some sleep if we wanna be energized for tomorrow!"

"Ok fine..." He slowly starts to get ready for bed and I do the same.

Tomorrow is gonna be so much fun... I smile at the thought...


Word Count: 1,349

Hello there raders! I am so extremely sorry that I haven't updated in like two months! School has been really hectic recently and I haven't had much inspiration to write. So, I am finally updating! I hope you enjoyed the first part to this chapter! The second part may come today or tomorrow! Anyay, I will see you guys later!

Love y'all!


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