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From that day on Harry continued to Skype Hermione in private for three hours each day. She's come out and talk with Tony, and whatever Avenger was there for about a half hour to an hour, before retreating back into her room. Tony began to get worried, but he got even more worried when he found out that every time she spoke with Hermione, and sometimes hours after they finish, she had JARVIS turn the cameras off.  He spoke to Bruce, Pepper, and Steve about it, but they said that it's normal, that he's new to her life, and that she's just looking for some way to be living like she used to. Tony didn't think that her hours in solitude was healthy, and it made him more and more angry about her family. Why does she loves solitude so much? It has to be something to do with the Dursley's.

Today Harry came out of her room, looking for some food, but what she found was a little strange. There sitting at the counter is Tony, and spread across the counter are a bunch of pamphlets to schools. Harry's eye's bugged out of her head as soon as she saw them, she ran up to Tony and sat down next to him.

"What are these for?" she asks warily.

"Schools. I don't really want you to be going to some mysterious school in Scotland, so I thought I'd look for some new ones."

"I don't want to go to a new one, I want to go to my school," Harry says.

Tony turns to her at the sudden change in her voice. He raises an eye brow but continues to speak, "Well according to your Aunt and Uncle you went to a school for bad children, why would you want to go back there?"

"I didn't go to a school for bad children. I want to go to my school because it was the only place that I felt..." harry stopped suddenly. She looked down and tried to turn away from him. She doesn't want him to know about all the terrible things the Dursleys did to her. She doesn't want him to know that for the past 11 years she's slept in a cupboard under the stairs, that she was basically treated like a slave, and that she was emotionally abused by them. She doesn't wan him to know that the only place to her make her feel at home was a school for witches and wizards. Immediately Tony saw the difference in her attitude. She looks sad, and scared. Why would talking about school, make her sad and scared. She tried to get off the seat and run back to her room, but Tony grabbed onto her arm. He didn't grab her tight, he just lightly wrapped him hand around her. She stopped but refused to look at Tony. She;s looking at the floor, and her long red hair is covering her face.

"Harry look at me, please."

Slowly Harry lifts her head and her eyes meet his. They are filled with fear. But fear of what? Fear of telling the truth? Fear of getting hurt?

"Harry please, tell me what you were about to say," Tony says, his voice calm and kind.

"It's the only place that has ever made me feel at home."

"You didn't feel at home with your aunt and uncle?" he asks trying to get answers out of her.

"No, they don't love me. They..." Harry shakes her head, "It doesn't matter..."

"Of course it matter Harry! You are my daughter, and apparently the people who were supposed to take care of you, didn't make you feel at home," Tony says slightly raising his voice. "What did they do!? Did they hurt you!?"

Things started to get heated between the two. Tony started yelling questions angrily, and Harry would get more angry by the second. She started to reply, yelling too, that it didn't matter what they did to her. Of course this would set him off even more. Then Tony started yelling without even thinking about it, on how she's been so secretive, and distrustful. This made Harry mad. This man barely knew her, and wasn't in her life until her aunt and uncle dropped her here. He has no right to judge her.

"You may be my dad, but you're not my father! You weren't there for me when I was growing up! You weren't there for me when I had to sleep in a cupboard for 11 years! You weren't there for me every single horrible moment of my life! Now you're expecting me to share everything with YOU!?" Harry yelled without thinking. 

"You were locked in a cupboard for 11 years?"

Harry's eyes widen, and she tugs her arm away from him. She runs down the hallway, and to her room. She slams the door shut and locks it before collapsing onto her bed, crying. She stayed like that for a long time, she didn't want to go back out. From her room she could hear Tony breaking things, and she didn't want to get in the middle of it, she doesn't want to get hurt. After hours of laying on her bed, Harry looked up to her window where she heard a small tapping noise. Her tear stained face spread into a smile, as she looked up to see Hedwig. 

Harry climbs off her bed, and runs over to the window. She opens it quickly to let Hedwig in. She flies around the room before landing on Harry's bed. Quickly she closes the window, and runs over to her bed. She takes the note off the owl's leg, and pets her. Slowly she rips it open, to find that it was from Dumbledore.

Dear Harry,
I am so happy to hear that you have met your real father. Since he is a muggle, he will have to learn about your magic. I will come over a few hours after you get this message, don't worry I will know when you get it. I will be bringing someone special with me, so you better go tell your father who I am, and about magic. See you soon.

A smile breaks onto her face. Wait he's going to be here in a few hours and Harry has to first tell him about magic. Oh gosh this is going to be a fun talk, especially after that 'talk' they had a few hours ago. Slowly Harry gets off the bed and make her way to the door, letter in hand. She grips the door knob and turns it ever so slightly. Pulling open the door, she steps out and listens to her surroundings. She takes a deep breath, and just as she's about to walk down the hallway, she goes back into her room. She opens her draw and takes out her wand, and then makes her way out the door, and down the hallway. Harry gets to the kitchen, and finds Tony cleaning up a lot of glass. Harry stops, but Tony doesn't notice her.

"Tony?" she says loud enough for him to hear. 

His head snaps up, and his face softens. He drops the broom and runs over to her, embracing her in a hug. "I am so sorry. You don't have to talk about it, but please know, I'm here now, and I want to be in your life."

"OK," she grasps his hands, and that's when he sees that she's holding a letter and a stick. He looks at them strangely, but she pulls him over to the table. "Do you believe in magic?"

"Magic? Like witches and wizards?"


"I don't know. Maybe? I mean there are aliens, and people with powers, so I guess... Why?"

"I'm a witch. That's why I don't want to leave my school, it's a school for witches and wizards."

"You... you can do magic? Like real magic?" he asks her.

Harry nods her head, and turns to a pamphlet on the table. She waves her wand, "Wingardium leviosa." The pamphlet lifts into the air, and Tony gapes at it. 

"Wow, my kid can do magic."

"Yes, I can. Also... my head master and another person are going to be here in an hour to explain everything to you," Harry says giving him the letter.

"Oh boy."

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