Chapter 1

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"Burr, check what we got", I say, motioning towards the guys. The team is just so great, the mix-matched group of misfits and me.

"Mr. Lafayette hard rock like Lancelot." Mr. Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette points at me, swinging his arms ever-so-slightly, with his shoulders up to his ears.

"I think your pants look hot", I joked, pointing finger guns at Hercules. He smiled and gave me a grin, no teeth, just a sparkle in his eye told me he knew what I was getting at.

That guy's the bee's knees, I thought to myself, because he was not only an immigrant but also a tailor-- and a very good one, at that.

Mulligan swings his leg up onto the table leaning back and forth, the smug grin still plastered across his handsome face. Aaron lets out a laugh, causing Marquis and John to stare at him. Burr's never been the type to let loose, especially while talking with the guys.

"Laurens, I like you a lot!" John turns away from the table and then back again, pressing his clenched fist to his soft, soft lips. He's so quick to get flustered around the guys, but if I were to write him letters, I bet I could turn him into a tomato. A cute tomato, at that. He must be fun to hang out with, but his shyness is a bit discouraging. I'd love to get that hermit crab out of his shell. A guy like me hanging out with a pal like Laurens? We'd make an unlikely, yet unstoppable duo.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, after telling the crew all about my dreams and aspirations. I told them that I refuse to throw away my shot, which, I have to admit, is very catchy. They were all very impressed by my determination and desire to form a legacy before my inevitable death.

The crew seemed fairly lively, but Jacky was the one who stood out the most to me, as he seemed so passionate about forming an all-black battalion. I stand by his views, and I respect them. The dehumanization of immigrants, just like Lafayette and I, is absolutely outrageous and should be banned everywhere. Where you're from shouldn't determine your worth, much less the color of your skin!

After talking with the gang, I retired to my quarters, at Mulligan's house. It's not a long walk from the bar, but it did give me some time to think, mostly about the guys and the things they'd said, but also about Jack's behavior. He acted very oddly when I said I liked him a lot. I shall write to him later, to inquire as to why he saw it fit to behave in this manner.

Laurens, I like you a lot!Where stories live. Discover now