You know how when every little thing seems normal for once in your life, The time you don't feel like a freak or a weirdo, when you just feel like a normal kid? That's how i felt 4 years ago back in the seventh grade, i was just an average girl with a crush on a guy who didn't have a clue. Of course just because he was clueless doesnt mean his friends weren't this one guy named Jake knew right on the spot that i liked his friend Ross, At first he said he was going to help me as they say "get the guy" which as i recall i was so happy that something wonderful might happen in my boring life.
TIME SKIP (idk the sign for that)
The next day, I go to school all excited over what may happen when Ross aproches me and kisses my cheek!!! I was so excited i couldnt stop thinking about it so i go try to talk to him but i look at his friends and...their all smirking?:(
I decide to go ask my best friend who is smirking as well and sais"Ross was dared to kiss you, it ment absolutly nothing to him." and continued giggling
unfortunetly this happend 10 times until finally the sweet esacpe of highschool, where no one knows you and you get a fresh start. of course that was 2 years ago im a sofmore now and well its alright i guess i have a friend named Rebecca who is currently babbling while i am...woah i look behind rebecca and there is a-a new girl with black hair with green streaks in a loose ponytail, wearing inventer googles on her forhead, and wearing the exact same shirt as i am saying "Lets get one thing strate... im not" i look at her eyes they are a goragus green mixed with hazel... she looks at me and i could feel the world stop
The Shattered Crystal
FantasiPeople say any damage is fixable as long as someone helps you but what if pieces were taken away from you and possibly destroyed... Raven Marklen has a past of people some good while others shattered her heart and torn it apart When she finally meet...