Little Miss Bitch

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If anyone should be outraged, it's me.

He's not telling me something. Whatever it may be, it keeps getting thrown up in my face by his sister. If he won't tell me, then maybe, she would...

(Saraya P.O.V)

"So, how about us girls get better acquainted while you guys go and do whatever it is that you guys do?" Seth's mum chuckled after trying to get all the girls at the table to come together. "Actually, I promised Saraya something right after dinner. It's a surprise and I'm sure she's still dying to know what it is, so if you can excuse us---" Seth was saying before I decided to cut him off. "No, Seth. Actually, I'd really like to spend more time here. You know, get to know your mum and sister a whole lot better." I gave him a small grin. He had no idea of my true intentions. Truth is, I wanted out of here as soon as his sister opened up her mouth, but now, I wanted nothing more than to punch her in the mouth. My goal was to get her to explain what she was saying to Seth. If she didn't, then my fists had no problem doing all the talking.

The guys all went off with Seth's dad somewhere in the basement to do guy things. Not sure what exactly, but that gave me an advantage to get closer to his sister. But first, I needed to get her alone. I was being nice in front of her family because it was obviously the polite thing to do. But if she were alone in a room with me, I'd have her shaking in her spiked high heels. She wants to play the role of a bitch in front of her family? Well, I'll show her how to be a true bad bitch face to face. Though, Seth is her brother and I don't want to do anything to her that could jeopardize our relationship, I was furious. Seth and Alexa both knew something that I didn't. He hasn't told me anything and she keeps throwing it in my face to belittle me, when she doesn't have a single clue of who I am. Well, she's about to find out. Real soon.

Alexa and her mum were off in the kitchen together, meanwhile Renee and I stood in the dining area waiting. We had a brief moment to ourselves, so I had to catch her up on my plan. "They were inseparable for like five seconds, then when he was about to introduce her to me, she goes 'AGAIN?!' Like, she instantly activated her bitch mode, I guess." "Why? What does she have against you already?" Renee asked me as I shrugged. I took a quick look at the kitchen's entrance to see if anyone was coming, but the coast was clear. "I don't know, but she's been throwing jabs at me all night long. Even little petty jabs that have nothing to do with my relationship with Seth. There's something going on that I don't know anything about..." I explained. "So, what are you gonna do? Ask Seth?" "No. Seth is clearly hiding whatever it is from me. Everytime Alexa brings it up, he shuts it down saying 'not now' or whatever. So, if I can't get him to tell me, then I guess I'll have to settle for her."

"Raya, I don't know. I see the way you look whenever she says anything to you. You're ready to throw hands as soon as she opens her mouth." Ren shook her head. "Yeah, I am. If that's what it's gonna take to get her to talk, then I have no problem fighting her." "Don't do that. You already have such a good impression on their parents. Fight their daughter, and you'll lose your one advantage over her." Renee had a point. "I won't fight her. I'll try to talk it out with her. No promises on not swinging though. Especially if she hits me with another low blow." I rolled my eyes. "Now I just need to get her alone." "Oh, Alexa! Here, you show Saraya and Renee around the home. I'll be right back. I'm going to check on your father and the guys." Seth's mum said as she walked off to go to the basement with the guys. "Well, that was easy." Renee whispered to me as Alexa came out from the kitchen.

"Uh-- I have to use the restroom. I'll catch up with you and Raya in just a sec." Renee said as she passed by me, giving me a quick wink as she went into the restroom. Now it was just me and Alexa. Perfect. "I guess we can just wait for her right here." Alexa said as she crossed her arms and stood in place as I walked off into another room. "What's this room?" "Oh no, wait! Don't!" Alexa followed behind me quickly as I entered a blue bedroom with sporty decorations all over it. "This is Seth's old room?" "Yeah, it is. This room doesn't matter and he really wouldn't want you in here, so we can go." "K." I said as I walked over towards the door, but instead of exiting, I closed the door shut, keeping us both inside the room for a second. "Uh--- what are you doing?" She asked. "Move. Get out." She demanded and I stood my ground. Alexa reached for the doorknob while I stood in front of the door glaring at her. "You touch that doorknob and I'll break your wrist."

"Excuse you?" She said to me with widened eyes, but backed away. I was dead serious and she could tell by the look on my face. "Talk." "What?" "Talk. You have a problem with me, then go ahead and tell me to my face. Go on." I told her as she scoffed at me. "Sarah, listen, I am not afraid of you at all. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Now I suggest you open up the door and let yourself out before this gets ugly." Alexa told me. "No. You listen to me. First of all, my name is Saraya. Get it right. Second, you've disrespected not only your brother, but me as well. Disrespect isn't something that I take very lightly." "Are you looking for an apology or something? If you are, don't even waste your breath. You're not getting one from me." She smirked and so did I, at first. I chuckled to myself at how much of a bitch she thought she was being to me, but she had another thing coming.

I walked up to her, face to face as I glared down at her. "You been throwing jabs at me all night long without knowing shit about me. That, I can take only so much of and right now, I have a mind to smash your face into that wall over there. Repeatedly until your unconscious. You wanna be a bitch? I can show you what a real bitch looks like. You're looking dead into the eyes of a bad bitch. I don't have to tell you that, I can let my actions speak for me if you'd rather have that, it's not a problem at all." I paused. "Yeah, I'm from Norwich. It is a slump. But it's also the place where we deck a bitch right in the face and ask questions about it later. You wanna fuck with me? You must have a death wish. But don't worry, be grateful that Seth is your brother because without him, the second you opened up your mouth to disrespect me would have been the end of you. Do we have a problem?"

"No." She answered me quickly as I stepped away to let her cool off. She was obviously shook to the core by me, but I hope I didn't scare her too much. If I did, we probably wouldn't see her at family dinners anymore. She cleared her throat and dusted herself off as if I laid a single finger on her. Surprisingly, I didn't. But one thing's for sure, I got my point across.

"Now, why don't you tell me what I don't know? You and Seth clearly know something that I don't and I want to know what it is." I told her. "Why don't you just ask Seth yourself?" She asked me. "Because I'm asking you, so tell me." "I can't tell you." "But you have no problem throwing it up in my face when I have not a clue of what's going on?" I asked her with an eyebrow risen. "You're a college major and you haven't figured it out yet? It's right there in your face." "Don't fuck with me in riddles, Alexa. Just be straight up about it and tell me." "Look, I apologize for throwing it in your face but it's not my place to tell you. It's Seth business, that I wish he would stop doing, but obviously, he can't help himself." Alexa said and I tried giving whatever it could be some thought, but I couldn't process anything. I didn't know enough information to put two and two together.

"Look, I love my brother, okay? He's so smart and works so, so hard for all of the success he's got. It's just, I hate when people use him." "You think I'm using him?" "You aren't the first." She said to me. "Not by a longshot, Saraya. Seth fears being used, I fear it for him. People use him everyday because of his wealth. He ended up thinking they loved him, when really they just use him for what he's got. So, before it happens to him, he uses others. For his own personal pleasure. He hasn't told you, because you're the one currently involved in his plan. He uses women like you. Don't believe me? Have you met Leighla? His driver? Or how about Sarah? The one working the front desk up at Enterprises? Gave them all bogus contracts, promising them to have it all in life... now look where they are... that's all I'll say." Alexa told me.

"How do you know all this?" I asked her. "I'm not really his little sister... I'm his ex girlfriend..."


To be continued...


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