Meeting Mr. Rollins

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(Paige P.O.V)

"So, here's my list of questions to ask him. Oh, and make sure you get a good glimpse of him too. You know I want a really good description of what he looks like in person. I know you'll be staring at him a lot anyway because he is one of the hottest men in the world! Gosh, just thinking about him makes me wanna..." "WOAH! Okay! Alright! I think I've heard enough already." I shouted and laughed a bit as I grabbed some papers and the important list of questions she had for me to ask him. "I know you're like obsessed with this guy but damn. I don't need to know about all the fantasies you have about him." I said to Renee and she laughed.

"Paige, you need to either listen to my fantasies or learn how to have some on your own. It's good to fantasize about it, since you aren't getting any in the real world." Renee said. "Uh, how would you know that? You don't know whether or not I'm getting some!" I said. "One: I'm your best friend. Two: We live together. And Three: I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND! I practically know you better than you know yourself." Renee said as she started to cough then wrapped herself up in a blanket. "Well yeah, you're right about that." I admitted. "And if you really are getting some, I suggest you leave that guy behind. I haven't heard a peep from your bedroom, so he obviously ain't hitting it right." Renee said. I couldn't help but laugh at her comment. She was always in that cheery mood, even when she was feeling sick. Like right now. I had really hoped that she would've felt better by today though.

Today was the day that she was supposed to meet up with her idol, Seth Rollins. Not long ago, she somehow scored an interview with him. No idea how, but I do know that she idolizes and is totally in love with that guy. She's an aspiring journalist and wants nothing more than to work under his brand. She basically knows everything about him already! I just figured that she most likely learned everything from Google, Wikipedia, or something. But Ren was like so crazy over this guy, she somehow found a way to get an interview with him in person. To learn things that she hadn't already known from the Internet, probably. I can't seem to figure out why she's so fascinated by him. He seems as if he's just like any other business guy; Boring, uptight, and always seems like he's frowning all the time for no reason at all. I really didn't want to go and do this but I had to for Renee. She's my best friend and I'd do anything for her, I'm sure she'd do the same for me.

"You should get going, Paigey. It's a long drive to get to his company from here. He probably won't like it if you're late to a scheduled interview." "Who cares what he won't like? I show up when I show up." I said as I put on my leather jacket then grabbed my car keys off the counter. "Uh, you're representing me! I care what he thinks about everything. That's why I finally got the chance for this interview, I'll know more things he cares about once you ask him those very important questions!" Renee shouted and started to cough once again. "You need to focus on getting better rather than focusing on some uptight business prick." "PAIGE! Don't talk about Seth Rollins like that! He's one of the greatest people walking on the face of the earth! And look how you're presenting yourself to him. Crop top, leather jacket, with army printed leggings? UGH! I should go up there for myself and interview him. You're embarrassing me!" Renee shouted again. I just laughed at her. She was taking this interview way too seriously. "Ren, he doesn't know you or me. This is a one time thing. Once this interview is over, he isn't gonna give a damn about us. He's just gonna go back to owning his business and making his money. Lastly, if you were to go up there and interview him yourself, it's bound that you'll cough in his face or sneeze out boogers on him!"

At first we straight faced each other then we bursted out in laughter. "Ha ha. Very funny, Paige." Renee said. "Now go, before it's too late." "I won't be late, I promise. I'm doing this for you no matter how much I don't want to." I said as I made my way to the door and opened it and just as I was about to walk out, Renee called out to me. "Paige!" "What? What's wrong?" I turned around and looked at her as she pointed towards the counter. "You're forgetting the list of questions!" "Oh shit, my bad." I laughed as I walked back over to the counter and grabbed the list of questions. "I could've sworn that I had those in my hand already." "Don't ruin this for me, Paige. Don't leave the questions in the car and please be kind to, Mr. Rollins." Renee begged. "Okay, mum. Geez!" I said sarcastically as I walked out the door of our apartment.

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