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Brook just made his mom sleep, its just 11am but she had a little panick attack so he made her sleep.

He walked to the living room seeing his dad leaning his head back on the couch ,eyes closed. Brook noticed that he have a dark circled under his eyes. Brook felt so bad and sad.
He get near to his dad and gently touched his shoulder.
Daniel opened his eyes shoot up and weakly smiles to see his son.

Then suddenly his phone rung and he picked to see an unknown number.

A fear rushed through him. It might be them.

He picked the phone

"Mr.Fowler how are you?" the man asked

Daniel clenched his jaw.

"Where is my son?" He asked through his gritted teeth.

"Calm down sir he is safe with me" the man asked

"What do you want?"Daniel asked angrily

The man let an evil laugh.

"I will take from you what I want and only, only you can give me what I want" the man said

"Who are you?"
The phone disconnected

"Was that him? What did he say? Where is Andy?" Brook asked patiencelessly.

"It was him and ofcourse he didnt say where Andy is" Daniel said

"What does he want?" Brook asked

"He said he will take what he want and only I can give. Why isnt this bastard telling that he want money? I will give all my property to him for my Andy" Daniel said and rubbed his scalp.

"We have to call the cyber cell, comeon" brook said

They give the number to the cybercell and they started their work.

"Sir, its showing Essex" the officer said

"Essex?" Daniel asked

"Yes sir"

Daniel quickly send some of his men to search.

"Dad what if it might be tracker jam again?" Brook asked

"It is but what if we get some hints" Daniel said

After many hours Daniel got one of his men's call.

"Sir, we searched whole Essex and there is no sign of him"

"Yes" daniel said and hung the phone.

"Iam really scared right now. Why isnt he asking money? What if he want something else?" Brook asked

Daniel looked at his son.

"You know what I mean right?" Brook asked worried expression.

"If they are going to do that, he wont call us. They are blackmailing us and he will demand what he want, he need to tense us" Daniel said

Brook nodded

Brook is so scared that what will happen to his brother. He knows that his brother is so weak and scared right now. He knows Andy always hate strangers especially strange mens. And he knows why.

"I wish it wont happen again to my Andy"


"Comeon Andy fast" Jack called from out the door.

"Yeah coming one sec" Andy called from the room.

Andy get off from his room and followed Jack.

Andy, Jack and Mikey are going to their beach house today.
Andy is excited and little worried too.

Fell in love with my kidnapper// Randy✔Where stories live. Discover now