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Liv's POV

We got of the plane and walked to get our bags. I put on my Chanel sun glasses cause I look like shit. And I feel like shit. I just wanna go home.

"Liv are you okay" matt asked

Know one new about the baby except for Nash and Cameron."I'm great actually" I fake smiled.

"Thats great wanna go out tonight." Matt asked.

"Can't I'm grounded by Cameron for going out with Nash" I said walking with him to the limo.

"That's sucks" he said frowning.

"We can watch movies in my room" I smiled

"Sure" he smiled.

We all got inside the limo and drove to our destination. "Guys our special guests are the Dolan twins" Bart said

"Oh I'm following them on vine" I smiled.

"We'll that's great liv. I want you to come on stage too" Bart said

"Ok" I said unsure. He most probably wants my money.Cameron smiled. I hope he's more like a brother then cousin soon.

"We're going out to diner also at six o'clock" Bart said

I nodded and looked at my phone it was four o'clock. The hotel wasn't to far away from the airport so we were already there.

"Rooms are. Nash and Cameron, Jacob and mahogany, jack and jack, Dillon and Taylor, Aaron and sammy, Shawn and hayes, liv and Matthew" I didn't listen to the rest.

I grabbed my suit case got our key and went up to our room. I'm hungry.

I went to the bathroom and had a quick shower. I then went to my suit case and got my disco pants from American Apparel the black ones, a tight fitting whit crop top, my Mason graments coach grant mid white and gold hight tops, I then put on my ying yang chocker. I left my hair out in its now long waves. For make up I did smokey eyes ( Andrea russet inspired smokey eyes ) put on some lip balm on and my sun glasses and I was done.

I walked out and matt was ready he was wearing sun glasses. No surprise there. A white button up, gold chain, black jeans, and the same shoes as me.

"Your not wearing that are you" I asked crossing my arms over my chest

"Yeah w- oh" he chuckled.

"You change"

"No you change"

"You change"

"No you change"

"Guys shut up and come on" I Heard Cameron out side.

I sighed and grabbed my phone.

"We don't look alike" matt said

"What do you mean Matt you're wearing a white top so am I, your wearing black pant so am and our shoes are exactly the same" I said opening the door.

We walked out and everyone smiled.



"LOVE YOU" he yelled

"LOVE YOU TOO" I yelled while chuckling.

Matts POV

We walked to the elevator. When we got to the lobby their was a mirror and we had to wait for the limo. So I grabbed liv.

And we took mirror selfies.

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