Chapter Six:

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No one's Pov:
Shadow carried Laura out of the building without being seen by any of the cameras and carried her to the back of the building and into the forest. The female's ears flicked every once in a while to listening around her surrounding. Soon she was placed down on the ground and she felt her surroundings this time."Grass....dirt. I feel the wind... we're outside"she said and Shadow nodded,crossing his arms. "Why did you bring me outside?"she asked as she turned around slightly,even though she still couldn't see him. Shadow shrugged but then remembered that she couldn't see him so he spoke up instead. "I decided to bring you to the forest so you can be.... free, like you wanted. I thought this would be the best placed for you to stretch out and it's far away from the base. So the Doctor won't be able to see you nor find you here"he explained and Laura smiled."Thank you"she said before standing up and off she went, running off to explore who knows where. She giggled like a four year old as she ran off, Shadow watching her before turning around to leave. He looked back at Laura one more time before walking off.

Meanwhile, with Sonic and his friends:

Sonic had been packing around and around for hours on end. He just wouldn't stop! He was already created a small circle ditch for pacing around for so many hours on the grass. He's siblings stared at him in amusement as they sat on the ground, Yumza was sitting up in the tree next to them. "Man, I haven't seen you like this since that day when we were playing ball in the house and you broke pop's favorite portrait!"Manic said before he bursted out laughing, along with Blaze. Sonic stopped to glare at them before he continued his pace again. Yumza sighed and came down from the tree branch she was resting in before walking up to her 'brother'. She grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him to face her. Sonic stared back at him in confusion. "I bet you five, she'd gonna kick him or pull his ear!"Manic whispered to Blaze who scoffed and shook his head."I bet ya twenty she's gonna slap him first and then grab him by the shoulders again so she can scold at him"Blaze whispered back and the two shook on it. Sonia stared at her brothers with a poker face. "Remind me again how we're even related at all???"she asked bluntly before her attention was drawn to the sound of a hard slap and Sonic yelping in pain. They three of them turned around to see Sonic rubbing his cheek before Yumza grabbed him by the shoulders and brought his face up close to hers. "Look at me, Sonic hedgehog! I'm gonna tell you this once and I'm only gonna SAY it ONCE, got it?! GET A GRIP ON YOURSELF!"she shouted and Blaze started laughing before he punched Manic's shoulder."Aye, what I tell you,bro?! Now pay up!"he shouted before Manic mumbled under his breathe. But before he could even hand the money over to his older brother, they were both bobbed on the head by Yumza. "Shut up! Both of you, or you're next!"she scowled at them and they both remained quite. Yumza sighed heavily and looked back at Sonic. "Look,I'm sorry for being so harsh but come on, Son. This is Laura we're talking about" she said and Sonic stared at her. "Exactly! Which means that she can be in terrible danger if we don't do something!"he shouted before Sonia interpreted him. "Now hold on there, Sonic Hedgehog. Laura isn't some weak, little girl who can't depend for herself. She's a strong and independent woman, she's grown up" she said as Sonic stared at her.

"She's not a little girl anymore, bro. You're gonna have to let her go just like mom and dad did"Manic said, rubbing the spot on his head where Yumza whammed him. Sonic sighed heavily and dragged his hand lazily across his face."That's just it, I can't! Not after what happened back at home so many years ago! Ad the oldest, it's my job to make sure you guys are all safe!" "Sonic, can you even hear yourself?! 'Not after what happened back----', are you kidding me right now?!"Blaze suddenly butted in and jumped up quickly from his eat on the ground and took threatening steps towards his twins. The two glared at each other. Granted, they were very close but they had their arguments too and those were never pretty. And Laura wasn't here to calm them down, unfortunately. "What happened back at home was an accident! When are you gonna get that through your big head huh?! She didn't mean it! She got scared and it just happened okay?! She needed guidance but none of us could help her so it'd our fault!! Our fault!! Do quit blaming her for something she couldn't handle under pressure!"he said and shoved Sonic back a few steps. The smell growled at him and shoved him back harder. "I understand that but for it not to happen again, I had to do what a did! So no one else got hurt!" "You made her fear herself! She's scared of herself now!! Her own self, Sonic!!" "That's not my fault!! I tried helping but it didn't work and I'm sorry!! But I didn't have a choice!!" "You mean, you were just being stupid like always! Always being reckless! I suppose this whole, chaos control thing was your doing wasn't it?! You just had to go on another adventure!!". They kept arguing, back and forth before Yumza and Sonia yanked them by the ears. They pushed both boys apart as they both shoot draggers into one another.

"Listen now, I know we're all on edge because Laura's at the egg-idiot's base, but that doesn't mean we're gonna be pointed fingers at other people for things that have happened in the past. Let's all calm down and just try to relax and think of a plan, calmly. Okay boys?" Sonia said and looked at her older twins. The two stayed silent, bother looking away, Blaze crossing his arms and Sonic having his hands on his hips. "Come on,dudes! Fighting isn't gonna help us rescue our baby sis!" Manic pleaded. Both boys then looked at them before sighing and shook each other's hand, muttering a sorry to one another. Sonia nodded at them and smiled. Chris,Tails and Star were watching the whole thing from Chris's bedroom window. "Wow, it must of been some fight. Do you know what they could be arguing about?" the young boy asked,looking at Tails. Tails kept staring at the group, sighing heavily. "The same thing they always argue about..... Laura"he muttered. Chris stared at him."Laura? Star, isn't that your big sister, the one that's younger than Sonic and the others?" He asked and looked at Star, who had her head on Tails' shoulder, looking at her siblings as well. She nodded her head. "Yeah.....some things happened back at home some time ago.... Something bad happened like always after dad died and mom disappeared...."she said. Tails wrapped one if his tails around her to comfort her. He knew their full situation. Their whole family history and knew everything about every single person in their family. Every single one. Including their parents and Laura. "I'm guessing Laura's a bug deal in your family?"he continued to ask. "Yeah.....big sissy's a special one as momma used to say. Pap says she was born with many gifts and talents, unique powers. Even tho they're Pretty common, not many people in our world have all those powers in just one single body and one special one that can only be used when absolutely necessary...."she said. Chris stared at her as she snuggled into Tails' shoulder more. Both had a blank look in their eyes as they continued to watch Sonic and his siblings. Chris turned his gaze away from them all and stared out into the sky. "I wonder what unique powers Laura's had. She must be very powerful if she has a lot of powers like Star says. But.....why do I get the feeling that it isn't necessarily a good thing...... she's.......not a bad guy ...... Right?"the child wondered.

A/N: SO SORRY FOR THE LOOOOOOOONG WAIT!! WE'VE BEEN HAVING A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE WRITER'S BLOCK!! BUT IT MEANS A LOT TO US FOR YOU PATIENTLY WAITING!!! And since school is over in about three days, we'll have more time to find this book and the others we've left unattended as well! Thank you all so much!! Bye bye!!!

~Cindy Martinez

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