Chapter Three

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Sonic's Pov:
After the battle with Eggman,we all went back to Chris's house. That meant my siblings came too. All expect one and I was completely freaking out. Who knows what would happen if Egghead found out that Laura was here. Hopefully he didn't find her and that she's okay. We all entered the living room and took a seat. Well,at least Chris and the other did. Me and my siblings stood. Chris stared at my brothers and sisters and then at me. I sighed. "Everyone,this Sonia,Manic,Blaze,Yumza,Star and brothers and sisters"I said. They all stared at one another.

I looked at my siblings."Guys,this is Chris,his grandfather Chuck, Ella,Mr. Tanaka, Amy, and Cream and Cheese. You guys already know Tails and Knuckles" I said. Everyone stared at Tails and Knuckles. Amy stood up, upset. "How could you not tell us that you had brothers and sisters?!" she said. I rolled my eyes at her. I was more worried about my lil sis than on how to explain to the others about why I never told them about my family. "Relax, Amy. Truth be told I forgot I even had siblings"I admitted. My siblings looked at me in disbelief. "How is it that we weren't able to forget you after all these years but you were able to forget us?"Sonia said,offended. "Honestly,Sonic Hedgehog, you are even more of a knuckle head than you were when we were kids"

I rolled my eyes."How is it that you're more worried about that when Laura is out there and could be in the hands of Eggman?!" I snapped at her. Her eyes widen."L-Laura?! She was here?!"she asked,the sound of hope sounded in her voice. But.... why? Didn't Laura come with them?"Who's Laura?"Chris asked. I looked at him."Laura is our little sister" Blaze explained. Chris looked at Star and Junaid before looking at Blaze."Is she younger than Star and Junaid?" he asked. Blaze shook his head. "Nah,she's younger than me, Sonia,Manic and Sonic. And Yumza too. Younger than us by an hour"he said. He stared at Yumza."How is it that your their sister? You're a wolf"he said. Yumza chuckled at Chris and smiled."There's thing thing called adoption? Ever heard of it, kid?" she joked and Chris smiled.

"Wait,so...the five of you were born at the same time? Or six if Yumza counts? Wait um....what the word for five people born at the same time?" asked Cream. "You mean quints, darling. And sextuplets for six" Sonia said and Cream smiled."Well,if you count me then yeah we're sextuplets but if you don't then Sonic,Blaze, Manic, Sonia and Laura are quints" Yumza nodded. Manic looked at me."Now back to what you were saying, bro. Did you see Laura?"he asked. I nodded and explained that I saw her on the battlefield. I told them about the beam hitting her and a saw Rouge and Shadow with her."Is Shadow that black and red hedgehog dude?"asked Manic. I nodded and growl."No doubt he took Laura took Eggman"I said. Sonia but an hand on my shoulder. I looked at my sister."Hold on there,Sonic. We don't know that for sure. This Shadow guy doesn't even know Laura"she said. She was right. Shadow didn't know Laura. But if he did,he would have taken her to Eggman.

"So,what do we do?"asked Tails and Star asked at the same time. I sighed,not knowing what to do. If Shadow did take Laura,then Rouge probably took her away from Shadow."We'll search the battlefield and if we don't find Laura then will just have to wait and see"Amy said."I'll contact Rouge to see if she has Laura" Knuckles said. We all nodded. I looked out the window. I hope you're okay,lil sis.

Laura's Pov:
I opened my eyes and groaned in pain. I grabbed my side but only to remove my hand quickly. What happened? Where am I? "Magic crystal,grant me sight...."I said and I felt the snowflake on my headband glowed and my vision started to clear and I could see. I looked around and noticed I was in a dark room and was laying on the ground. The door to the room was closed and blocked by a bunch of boxes but this room looked more like a storage room. I heard something moved and turned around. I saw someone standing in the shadows. Whoever they were had dark red eyes. I remembered those red eyes."W-Who are you?"I asked, with a little frightened. They didn't answer,they just studied me.

"Please,come out. I won't hurt you"I said. They scoffed and a heard a deep chuckle come from them. Their chuckle sent shivers down my spine. They soon came out of the shadows to reveal a hedgehog. He was black with red stripes. I instantly remembered him. He was the hedgehog I ran into earlier."O-Oh,it's you..."I said. He walked over to me and looked at me with a serious expression. His eyes trailed down from my eyes to my side. He knelt down and looked at my injury. He gently placed his hand on my gash,which cause me to hiss in pain and grab his hand tightly.

He looked up at me,our eyes locked on to one another. Not wanting to look into his eye anymore,I looked away. I could still feel his eyes on me. I soon heard something move like a piece of the wall was being removed. The hedgehog and I turned to the side to see someone removing a piece of the wall and crawled into the room and I saw.... Rouge?! She looked at me before looking at the black and red hedgehog. Her eyes traveled down and she glared at him. Why was she mad? She made her way over to us and glared at the hedgehog."Move your hand!"she hissed at him. He stood up, removing his hand and crossed his arms as he watched Rouge clean and rewrap my wound. I kept staring at him. He noticed me staring at him and looked at me,causing me to look down. "Don't worry about him, honey. He can't hurt you as along as I'm here"Rouge said before she glared at the hedgehog again. He rolled his eyes and turned away.

I nodded and heard the wall piece got removed and I turned around to see the hedgehog was gone."Also, thank for saving my tail back there"Rouge suddenly said. I stared at her."You know, from that beam from one of Eggman's robots"she explained. I nodded but wasn't really paying attention. I kept thinking about that hedgehog. She looked at me. "Don't even think about it, sweetheart. He's a tough one to crack,believe me. But honestly, he's also not worth it,especially for a girl like you"she said as she out her hands on her hips. I stared at her in confusion. She chuckled."Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. It's obviously you like Mr. Grumpy pants"she said. I stared at her and shook my head."Of course I don't! How could you say that?! I don't even know him!! But..."I said but my voice started to faded."But?"she said."But, when I ran into him....I.......I think we sparked...."I said quietly. She stared at me.

"You sparked?! With him?! Are you kidding me?! Of all the guys out there,you had to sparked with him?!"she shouted. I stared at her."What's so bad about it? I mean,I know I just met him but he doesn't seem like a bad guy"I said. She started to pace around. "This is bad!! You can't spark with him!! He's Eggman's servant or whatnot!! He works for Eggman and is your older brother's rival!! If Sonic and the others were to find out that you two sparked,chaos will set lose!!" she shouted as she gripped her head. I started to drift off into my thoughts as she kept pacing back and forth and I told my snowflake to remove my sight so I didn't have to see her act like this. So I'm destined to fall in love with my older brother's rival? Just great....

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