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La'Quan Jamal West
August 11 ,2018

"ManMan I'm going to miss you give mommy a hug" My og said hugging me

"Leave that grown man be Keira" my grandma said to my mom

"He just a lil jit ma, and he wants to transfer all the way out there with nobody" she said back I hate when they talk like I'm not here

"Ma I know somebody you remember Lou from elementary yeah we been cool since so he gone show me around, Terry my roommate too" I said hoping to ease her worry just a little

"Be good ManMan and call me every chance you get or I will pop up" she said meaning every word with her crazy ass

"Ok mama see y'all later I love y'all" I spoke before walking in the airport my car should be in Cali when I get there

"We love you more ManMan" they said in unison before I walked away God I'm not going to missed being called my childhood nick name at all

Growing up I was spoiled as shit I still am my mom is a realtor and my Grammy is a school principal, my mom was 16 when she had me so being the great person that my Grammy is she helped my mom with me since my father was deep in the streets and got killed before I was born

My moms told me when I was lil that he was trying to provide for us and they killed him over something that he ain't do, if anything my old mans death is my motivation to go harder and own a barber shop, since a lil jit that was my favorite hang out spot and I'll never forget when my uncle taught me how to cut

"Girl don't go up to him he looks mean" I heard a female say I turned and looked at her and smiled showing my braces as the intercom went off calling my flight

5 hours later

"Finally" I mumbled to myself standing up grabbing my phone from the cup holder

    I grabbed my black Louis Vuitton bag from above my head and headed off the plane listening to candy rain by soul for real through my AirPods, I might be a yungin but my moms and Grammy always kept the old school music going throughout the house every Saturday morning and if you know music for real you would know old school hit way better than music today

Going to baggage claim I instantly caught a eye to my Louis Vuitton black Sirius 70 bag, grabbing my bag I walked out the airport and immediately looked for my white 2018 audi tt coupe, It's hot as hell here I gotta drop the top when I find my shit

1 hour later

  "How does your dorm look ManMan?" my mom asked as I finished hanging my clothes up all I brung was clothes and in my car I had a mini fridge and half of my shoe collection, for food I'm just gone have to go grocery shopping later cause Terry ass ain't buy nothing

     "Aye fam what you got going" my roommate Terry said, we been bestfriends since we were lil jits I can't get rid of his crazy ass, we have 2 bed rooms in a dorm with a half kitchen and 1 bathroom

"What's up" I spoke as my mom asked to see him I low key think the want each other

    "Ma you know what Terry look like" I said shaking my head laughing

"Wazzam moms" he spoke

    "Hey handsome how's everything?" she asked laughing

"Mommy don't do that for real" I said mugging her

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