chapter 4

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It'd been four weeks since Arashi had begun training Naruto and Hinata.

Naruto took to the training like a fish to water, and surprisingly so did Hinata.

"Good job guys. You've both got the basics of this chakra control exercise. Now, without grabbing the Kunai I want you to throw it at the targets." Arashi had them keeping a Kunai above their hands with chakra. It was similar to the leaf exercise in which you stick leaves to your body, only harder due to how much heavier a Kunai is and the added throwing motion.

Hinata managed to throw it on the first try.

"Wow! Great job Hinata-chan! Would you mind telling me what I'm doing wrong?" Naruto was flicking his arm as hard as he could but the Kunai stayed attached like he were holding with all his strength.

Hinata activated her byakugan and breathed out in astonishment. "You're using far too much chakra, Naruto-kun. " she could see the metal actually begin to bend and twist under the weight of Naruto's chakra. "You're using more in your hand than most people have in their bodies."

Naruto looked congused. "Really? It doesn't feel like all that much."

"It's part of being an Uzumaki, Naruto. We have extremely high amounts of chakra. Hell back in Uzu our civilian had more than most chunin or low jonin. What does releasing chakra feel like to you Hinata?" Arashi asked, smiling encouragingly at the girl.

She eeped lightly and poked her fingers together. " I have to push it out."

Arashi sighed. "All day without a stutter, that's five laps around the training ground without your jacket, you'd almost went all day though. I'm proud of your progress, don't forget that."

She nodded and threw her jacket to the side and ran before Naruto could stare too long. Arashi smirked at the boy. Little pervert.

"Naruto what does it feel like to you?"

Naruto thought for a minute. "Like I really have to pee and it's built up for a while?"

"I'm glad I sent Hinata running, I doubt she could handle that mental image. I'm gonna teach you an Uzumaki control exercise. Focus a large bubble of chakra to build in your right arm. Let it build until it starts feeling warm. Now, without letting it disperse, I want you to move it to as many parts of your body as you can. This is an exercise I want you doing every morning you wake up and every night you go to sleep." Arashi then pointed to his own bicep. "Saturating the muscles like that will regulate your body temperature when it's hot or cold, it strengthens your muscle fibers with chakra, and will teach you better chakra control. Actively keeping it going will also dispelled genjutsu for you because it disrupts your chakra."

"That's AWESOME! Why not tell Hinata though?" Naruto asked as he set to work on building his chakra bubble.

"Because I don't want her to hurt herself trying to do it too quickly. I'll show her when she has enough chakra to not hurt herself. You see, that bubble you're holding together has as much chakra in it as some of the elites of this village do."

"Okay, but I want you to teach her something just as good, please." Naruto grinned happily.

Arashi smirked. "Oh I'll be teaching her some things I won't teach you. Stay here and keep your bubble going. I'll go see how Hinata is coming, and teach her something."

Naruto nodded, focusing intently on his task.

Arashi jogged over to Hinata. "Wait, Hinata we need to talk."

She stopped jogging, slightly winded. "Yes sensei?"

"Two things. First. Have you ever thought about using a weapon?"

She looked to the ground annoyed. "The elders say weapons and ninjutsu are weak compared to jyuuken, our clan fighting style."

Arashi sighed. "Yeah I was afraid of that. Look, jyuuken is devastating at close range but against opponents who use ranged combat, or regenerate like I do are a lot harder to fight with jyuuken. You need some kind of plan B. First off, I'm buying you a weapon I think you could use in any situation and I want you to take these." Arashi handed her a set of wrist and ankle bands with seals drawn on them.

She slipped them on. "Thank you sensei, but what do they do?"

Arashi's grin turned into an evil smirk as he did three hand signs. "Fuuinjutsu: Restrict."

Hinata suddenly felt strange, moving was taking a great deal more effort. The air felt like water but thicker and still dry. "Sensei what is this?"

"A more advanced form of training weights. You won't notice a difference until you take them off because they get heavier as you get stronger, and since it's drawing on your chakra it increases your reserves as well. I want twenty pushups, twenty sit ups, and ten laps around the field. Then I want you doing your katas with the advanced restriction. This will make you stronger and faster while making your stance and moves second nature." Arashi explained. "I've got til you two graduate the academy to make you the best of your age group. "

"What was the second thing, Sensei?"

Arashi knelt down to look her in the eye. "By now you've seen me alter my form a few times, right?" She nodded and he continued. "I have the ability to manipulate my body and mutate or evolve at will. I can create claws, gills to breathe under water, eyes like a cat's to see in the dark, an extra heart to generate more adrenaline, extra strong muscle fibers, anything I want, really. What I dont normally tell people, is it isnt limited to just myself."

Her eyes widened at the implications. "I see you've caught on quickly. What I'm offering is a more powerful byakugan and a faster healing rate."

"I could be strong?" She asked, shocked.

He shook his head, "Listen Princess. You ARE strong. I'm teaching you to harness that already and I'm offering you a way to sharpen yourself a bit more."

She clenched her fists, "Alright. What do I have to do?"

______time skip three months______

"See you later, Naruto!" Arashi called from the clan estate. "Tell Hinata-chan I said 'good luck'!"

Naruto was sprinting. "Alright Arashi-nii!"

Naruto channeled chakra to his legs, quadrupling his speed.

It took him a total of a minute and twenty seconds to clear the mile to the academy. He waved at Hinata as he saw her. "Hey Hina-chan!" He skidded to a stop in front of her, drawing the attention of the people around them.

A few had seen him running and we're flabbergasted by his speed.

"Naru-kun, you were almost late. You had to show off some of your abilities, didn't sensei say we shouldn't do that?" Hinata chided.

Naruto scoffed playfully. "This is the guy that let's himself get mortally wounded just so he can regenerate in front of his enemies as a scare tactic. Everyone knows about his healing abilities now. The call him The Immortal, the UzuKami, and several other flattering names in the bingo book."

She giggled and nodded. "True but he does it for a reason, you were just late. Also my favorite of his names is the Dragon"

"Eh, let's get to class. I'm so ready to kick this academy in the ass and be a full fledged ninja!"

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