Chapter 2 - Alpha Beta Omega

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'Arrived at destination' my navigation told me. I got out of the car, grabbed my suitcases and checked in at Beacon Hills Motel.

After my parents kicked me out, I didn't really have anywhere to go. I fell asleep on a bench in the park and the next day, when my parents went to their work, I climbed in through the second floor window and packed my bags. I took all I could carry. So after I stuffed my car with like 5 suitcases, I was ready to go. But where? I decided to look online. Maybe there was something about werewolfs, that could make me a little wiser. I didn't find much. Only a whole bunch of crap about twilight and the Vampire Diaries.. Not exactly what I was looking for.. The only thing that might be useful, was a town called Beacon Hills. There were a few articles about mysterious animal attacks and some people claimed they saw a dog-like individual walk across the street. It wasn't much, but it was enough for me. I didn't know where else to go. I could go to my friends, but then I would probably be placed in the orphanage again and then there was nothing solved. I just wanted to find out what exactly was going on with me. I didnt want to leave, but I couldn't stay. Probably is what I found on the internet about Beacon Hills, a bunch of crap. But the least I could do is try.. So I went to Beacon Hills.

ow I am in Beacon Hills. And that was how far my plan went. I haven't really figured out the next step yet. I don't know who to talk to and I can't really randomly ask people: 'Hey, do you know something about being a werewolf.'Then I would probably get arrested, because they think I'm under the influence of drugs.

Maybe the first thing I could do was to make sure I would have something to eat. I'm starving.

So I went to the supermarket. While I was looking for chocolate, I turned around and bumped in to someone. He let all his groceries fall on the ground. 'I'm so sorry!' I exclaimed. 'No, it's okay,' the guy said. He was gorgeous. Beautifull chocolate brown eyes, dark hair and a cute smile. 'Here, let me help you' I said, as I bent down to help him. I did the opposite, because we bent down at the exact same time and our heads bumped against each other. 'Aw, oh god I'm sorry.' I said again. I keep apologising today. He smiled. 'No it's okay.' I smiled back. 'I'm Hayley' and I shook his hand. 'Scott.' I picked up his groceries for him. 'Here you go' 'Thanks' he said. Suddenly his facial expression became weird. He looked at me like there was something wrong. He said 'I have to go' and walked away fast.

I immediately knew something was off, so I followed him from a distance. I saw Scott was talking to another guy. They were pretty far away and I shouldn't be able to hear them, but then I focused really hard and heard their conversation! There was apparently something really awesome about this werewolf stuff. I always knew I had good hearing, but never this extraordinary.

I listened. 'Are you sure Scott? I mean, another werewolf!' 'Yes Stiles! I'm very sure. I was talking to her and then I just.. smelled it.' 'Alrigth, well, what do you want to do about it?' 'Maybe we could ask Derek, if he knows anything' 'Yeah, maybe he felt like turning teenagers again' 'I didn't mean thát, he might just know something.' 'Okay, great, let's go see our little ray of sunshine.'

Derek. Scott. Stiles. I needed to remember that names. Seems I was in the right place for werewolves. Maybe Scott and Stiles are too...

If I could hear me think this two months ago... It's crazy.

I checked out and went back to the motel. I decided that tomorrow, I would go find Derek. They talked about him like he knew a lot about this stuff. So I googled 'Derek Beacon Hills' and I found an adress under the name Derek Hale. Could that be him? But if it was how was I supposed to start. 'Hey, I'm Hayley and I was wondering if you could tell me anything about being a werewolf.' Yeah that sounds good. Not.

I decided that I would just go to sleep and would go over to Derek tomorrow.

The next day, I drove to the address and ended up in an appartment downtown.

I rang the bell. A guy opened the door. He was probably the same age as me. 'Hi' I started 'Uh, I'm Hayley and I want to.., I mean, I would like to see Derek. He lives here right?' 'Uh yeah, but he's not home right now.' Ow, I'll come back later' I said 'You can also wait inside if you want, he'll be back in a minute' The guy said. 'Oh, yeah sure, I would like to.' I answered. I walked in and introduced myself. 'I'm Hayley' 'Hey, Isaac. Are you a friend of Derek?' he asked. 'Well, not exactly... Well actually not at all. I don't really know him, but I just kind of need to ask him something and that's why I need to talk to him, so yeah, that's why I am here.' Ow god, I'm chattering. He probably thinks I'm weird right now. But Isaac just smiled and asked me if I wanted something to drink. I got a coke and we just talked a bit until Derek returned.

Derek was a big guy, with a grumpy look on his face and a beard. But he didn't look wrong at all. Actually he was kind of... HAYLEY! Focus. 'Hey' I started. 'I'm Hayley and I just.. I have a question. Kind of a weird one.' 'Okay' Derek answered. 'Ask me'. 'Well, are you, do you know.. Do you know anything about werewolfs?' There I asked it. After that there was an awkward silence. A long awkward silence. 'Werewolfs' Derek said. 'Yes' I replied. 'Yes I do, he then said. Isaac looked at him with a 'what the hell are you doing, shut up' look. Derek went on 'and probably so do you, considering you are one.' 'Well, yeah... I think I am. But I don't know anything about it. And I was kinda hoping you could tell me.' I said. 'Were you bitten?' Derek asked. 'Bitten...? You mean like by a werewolf?' 'No by a uncicorn' Isaac said. I looked annoyed at him. 'Yés by a werewolf' Derek said. 'No, I wasn't' I told him. 'You're sure?' Derek asked? 'Yeah, I'm sure.' I snapped. 'Okay, well if you were born this way, how can you not know, you are a werewolf?' 'How am I supposed to know that! I didn't really know anything was wrong with me, until I turned in to a werewolf last full moon and wrecked my entire parents living room. I don't know what the hell is going on and I'm really really really hoping you could tell me!' Isaac and Derek looked surprised. After a while Derek said he could tell me.

Then it was my turn to be surprised, causeI didn't think it would be that easy.

Derek told me to sit down and began. There apparently were two sorts of werewolfs. Ones that were bitten and the ones that were born this way. If one of your parents is a werewolf, you are one as well. With me that could be possible. I don't really know anything about my parents. I only have a picture of my mother, her name was Elizabeth. From my father I know nothing. My mother mentioned his name, right before she died. That's all. So one of them was a werewolf. But my mother or my father?

Derek also talked about packs. They are lead by alpha's. He's an alpha. The rest of the pack are beta's. I don't have a pack. So that makes me an omega. The lone wolf.

Then he summed up the advantages of being a werewolf. Being stronger. Being faster. Hear better. Smell better. The disagvantages that every full moon you could lose control. You can also lose control when you're very angry. But you can learn how to control that. Decide when to turn, without being dependent from the moon.

'I wanna learn that' I told him. 'Can you teach me?' 'Well, I'm sorry but I don't have lost werewolf care.' Wow, that was harsh. 'But how about you get something in return? You said that being in a pack makes you stronger right? Especially the alpha. If I join your pack, can you teach me how to control the whole werewolf thing?' After that there was a long silence. Derek was frowning. He was clearly comparing the advantages and disadvantages. 'After a while he said 'Okay, then. Let's call it a deal. Be here tomorrow at 9 a clock. We'll start right away.' Then he went upstairs. I stayed behind with Isaac. 'So...' he said 'Guess, I will be seeing you more often.' I smiled. A part of me was relieved that I finally knew everything. It was going to be alright. But I also was sad. My old life was behind me. I left my friends, Tyler. I don't know if I will see them again. But I couldn't go back. It's different now. I might hurt them. And I don't have anywhere to live. And maybe they would find out that I killed Chuck and I would go to jail and...

But despite all of that reasons, there was a part of me, that wanted nothing more then just go home.

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