Chapter 3 - Home

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The next morning, I came out of bed with great difficulty. I looked at my phone. 08:30! 'Shit, I've gotta hurry up' I mumbled. I quickly took a shower and I pulled on a skinny jeans and a sweater. After that I quickly ate a poptart and jumped in my car.

9:00 I arrived. Exactly on time. I rang the bell. Isaac opened the door. 'Hey, there you are.' 'Yeah, hi. Do you live here?' I asked. 'Yeah, I do. Derek had a spare room and my parents are dead, so ...' Ow god, what am I supposed to say. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...' 'No, it's okay, you couldn't have known.' Aw he's sweet. Then Derek walked in. 'Let's start' he said.

We started practicing how to use my claws. Derek just opened his hand and there they were. It was a little more difficult for me. I couldn't do it. I didn't know how to. 'Don't think to much. Just do it.' Derek said. I closed my eyes and opened my hand. They had claws. 'OMG, I did it!' I screamed. Derek didn't seem to excited. 'Do it again.' I let them dissappear and come out again. After a few more times I decided I had it under control and we moved on.

'Okay, then next subject.' He let me do a workout of 20 minutes. After that I had to try to turn completely. That was kind off hard. 'How do you do this, I complained.' You need to find an achor Derek said. For me it's anger, but it can be different for you. But just try to get angry.' 'How, I can't just get angry.' Derek walked over to me. 'I'm sorry' he said. 'For what..? Aah! What the hell, what are you..' Derek punched me. And again and again. Does he want me dead. What the hell is he doing. We made a deal and now he has had enough of me and he decides to get ride of me. I felt myself get furious. And then I growled. Then I realised. I turned. 'That's how you do it. Derek said. 'Then he frowned. 'What's wrong I asked.' My voice sounded weird. 'Your eyes, they are blue.' 'So what does that mean?' I asked. 'Remember I told you about the different colour eyes of werewolfs. Alpha's red, Beta's yellow. If you're eyes are blue, it means that you killed an innocent person.' I wasn't suprised. Chuck. 'Ow. I know, I... It was an accident, I didn't know what I was doing. I got angry and...' I fought the tears. 'It's okay.' Derek said. 'I get it. It happens quite often. Especially for someone like you, who hadn't had anyone to teach them, it's hard.' I nodded.

After that, I went over to Dereks everyday. He made me practice with my werewolf skills. I had to turn and I had to try to attack him. Which I failed everytime.

I also had to try not to turn, when the full moon came. I was chained up in Derek's apartment. It was kinda awkward. I got the same feeling the night I killed Chuck and the night day I wrecked my parents living room. I didn't feel like myself, but I just wanted to attack someone.

But the chains held and I didn't get out. The controlling thing didn't really work out but Derek said it would be alright.

I also got to know Isaac better. He sometimes helped with the training. I kind off like him. He had an edgy kind of humor that I thought was very funny. A couple times after the training, I went with him in to town to do something nice like eat an icecream or see a movie. I think we kind of are becoming friends.

One day, we decided to grab a bite, when Isaac asked me where I lived. 'Well I currently live at a Motel. It's not great, but okay.' 'Have you already thought about where you're going to live. I mean, you can't live in a Motel forever.' He had a point there. I hadn't really thought about that. If I was here to stay, I needed a better place. But where would I find an affortable home? 'I don't really know. Haven't thought about that yet. I have no idea where I could get a room.'

Maybe I could ask Derek, Isaac suggested. 'He has a spare room left. I could ask him if you could use it, maybe for a little rent a month.'

'OMG, Isaac that would be awesome! Thanks' I said before I hugged him. Maybe I could really be happy here.

That night, when I was at the Motel reading a book, my phone went off. Isaac calling.

'Hey there' I greeted. 'Hey, I asked Derek and he's okay with it. You need to pay a little rent, but it's not much.' 'Really!?! That's awesome! Thank you so much Isaac!'

'You're welcome. You can move here tomorrow if you like.' 'Yeah definetely! I will see you tomorrow. Thanks again!'

The next morning I packed my bags and went over to Derek. Isaac showed me my room. It wasn't big, but it was cozy and I liked it. The walls were light brown. I thought it was a pretty colour. 'It awesome! Thank you so much' I said as I hugged Isaac. 'You're the best!'

Before I started unpacking I needed some furniture. I went to Sears and bought a bed, a nightstand, pillows, a desk, a lamp and a clothing closet. After Isaac helped me carry all the stuff to my room, I put them together with a lot of difficulty and some help from the instructions. After I was done and put all the furniture in the right place, it actually looked pretty cozy. Then I started unpacking. I put my clothes in the closet. Hang some photo's on the wall, put some penns and notebooks on my desk etc.

After I unpacked, the room looked already a bit more like it was mine and I started to feel a little more home.

Now there was still one more thing to do.

The next day I went to register for highschool. I had to talk to the dean and after I showed my former school records and grades, I chose my subjects and I was told I could start the next day. I might be nuts to go back to highschool, but I needed to get my life back and this was a step in the right direction. So I could make some friends.

The next day, I did quite long to put together an outfit. I made sure my hair and make-up were okay and I went to school. Isaac had already left, so I had to go in alone. God, I hated being the new girl. In front of the school doors I stopped for a second. I took a deep breath, and stepped in.

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