Well... THAT happened...

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No one's P.O.V
The bad sanses, star sanses, lust, science and fell arrived at kill tale. They look at each other
"So... Why would you want to battle all suddenly?"Nightmare asked. Making dream confused. "Wait what? I never say that I wanna battle, but why do you want to battle all this suddenly?" Dream look at nightmare. "And you abused an innocent child!!!" Blue added
"What? We never have abuse a child. Like heck EVEN I WON'T KILL SOMEONW INNOCENT LIKE YO-" Dust covered his mouth, blushing
"pfttt" Killed strikered
Blue blushed at dust's sudden compliment.
"Well if you're not the one who wanted to battle here... Then... Who???" Sci asked
"I don't know... Why you're asking me nerd?" Fell mumbled
"I DID!!!" A girl jumped out of nowhere, landed on her feet perfectly.
The girl has a short hair, wearing a blue hoodie and a pair of glasses, We glance at her. "But pest, why you wanted us to be here?" fell asked. The girl pouted, probably because fell call her a pest. "hey I'm not a pest! I have a name ya know? But... I prefer you all call me "Mystery~chan" Mystery~chan told us
"um... Okay miss mystery~chan-" "AYYY WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!" Mystery Chan cut ink off. "I prefer you call me mystery Chan... With no miss... I was 12 after all..." "MOM!!!" out of nowhere, Emily appeared and tackle hug Mystery Chan, which make people confuse. HOW IS MSYTERY CHAN HAS A CHILD IF SHE'S 12!?!
"Hi mom" "Hello mommy" The two other girl called Mystery Chan as their mom. AND SHE HAS 3 CHILDREN!!!
Mystery Chan saw their reactions and sighed. " You know what, let just get straight to the point" She pet Emily's head. "Theres a reason why I call you here because I want to do... ssssssssoooooommmeeeeeetttthhhhiiiinnnggggg (Something)" she says something with pulling her voice at the word "Something"
"With what?" Ink asked, with confuse expression. Mystery Chan think for a moment. "ya know what, since you forget after this, so I will tell you. Ahem... I'm gonna make a story..." "About what?" Sci raised his "Eyebrow" while asking
"well no spoilers! For the reader!" msytery Chan says. Making everybody confused. "M!!! YOU'RE BREAKING THE 4TH WALL AGAIN!!!" hate yelled at Msytery Chan. "Meh I will fix it later, no-"
"What the heck..." a voice said. Everybody look at the direction where the voice come form. Geno... And reaper... Well this is... Something...
"OHHHH WE GOT ANOTHER SHIP!?! WELL WHAT A SURPIRSE!!!" M Chan yelled, stars in her eyes. "THIS STORY IS GOING TO BE EPIC!!! " "Uh... What do you mean by 'epic'? And 'story'?" Reaper asked when M Chan was having a mini party in her area. " Welp, now say goodbye!!!" "Wha-" M Chan snapped her finger and everything went white for a minute...
After the whiteness are gone, M Chan smriked "heheheh"
"Mom what happened to them?" "Yeah, what will happen to them?" "mom are they in danger?" The three children asked M Chan. "wow... I don't expect you to do it like that." "Heh, I can and... Thank for the Afterdeath present hate..." She look at hate. "eh no problem." "now..."
M Chan sits down on the pure white floor and suddenly it became like an office, M Chan is sitting on a chair, holding her phone. "I just need to think their roles..." "Why won't you follow? Like, dust be the master and blue be the maid?" hate asked. "Nah. " M Chan refused. "it's too original..." "Don't you mean 'Oregano'?" The skeleton child says. "Haha, very funny Ellie..." M Chan fake laughed. She look at the picture of the ships, like : Dustberry , Kremé , crossmare, Afterdeath, horrorlust , scifell.
"Something special..." She closed her eyes , thinking while spinning her pencil. "Why won't some of the role switched?" the girl who met the bad sanses, who named 'Emmy' said. "Like what?" M Chan look at her, rasing an eyebrow. "Like..." Emmy whispers into M Chan's ear. "Aw Cmon sis, you don't need to tell mom in the ear!!!" Emily pouted. Emmy ignore Emily and keep whispering into M Chan's ear. After M Chan listened to Emmy, she looked amused. "That's...... A GOOD IDEA!!!" M Chan throw her hand up the air. Hate, Emily and Ellie looked confused. M Chan write something down and after she's done, she show it to hate. Hate also got amused. "It's a great plan, we're going with it"

Are you sure ya wanna look at it?

Why are you still reading this chapter?


Jesus Christ how determined you are...

Are you sure?

I will get a lot of hate...


You got me. keep scrolling to the end of the chapter


Master's :
- Nightmare

Maid's :

//And for the maid, I switch them to female cause it'll be weird if they're male in the maid role//

(826 words)
~Mystery Chan~

Every cute maid must have a master~ {multi ship)Where stories live. Discover now