Chapter Four

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Nico's POV

     Jason drive faster you slowpoke!" Leo yelled, shoving Jason's shoulder. Jason glowered at him.

     "Unless you want me to crash and destroy Nico's car, I suggest you stop shoving me and let me drive!" Jason exclaimed, shoving Leo back. "And buckle up. We're driving in a storm, so there is a chance of crash."

     Leo huffed but sat in the back of the vehicle, putting on his seatbelt. We were on our way to the Asylum to pick up Percy. We'd paid his bail a week ago, and now he's coming back with us. Had we told our parents? Absolutely not. We'd told them we're having a huge sleepover at my place, and that I'm inviting one of our friends who's new to the school. My dad probably wouldn't come out of his office as usual, so we'd be safe. Leo said that his parents would let him live with them, but I'm not sure he told the truth about him.

     Jason turned onto the muddy dirt road and we drove the rest of the way to the Asylum in silence. "Are we really doing this?" Jason asked, parking the car in the driveway. "I mean... He can hurt us, right? There aren't and guards at our house to stop him..."

     "Relax Jason, he won't hurt us. C'mon." I opened my door and got out, not mentioning to Jason I didn't put on my seatbelt either, and began to walk up to the front door guard. He scanned my keycard and let me in.

     The other two followed close behind me, walking up to Christy. "Hey, we're here for-"

     "For Percy." She finished. I nodded and she sighed. "I had been hoping you had changed your mind. Guess not."

     "Why?" Jason asked. He tended to be the most paranoid, if you couldn't tell.

     She just sighed. "Never mind. Here." She handed me a file of paperwork to me that was about an inch thick. "Fill this out then you can take him home."

     I walked over to a chair, Jason and Leo following. We sat down, me in the middle, as I began to fill out information. About me, about my home, why I wanted to take him home, ugh. As I started to fill it out I heard a mock gasp from Leo. "That's your middle name?!" He exclaimed, pointing at the form line where it said 'Full Name.'

     I sighed miserably. "Yes that's my middle name."

     He and Jason burst into laughter while I sighed miserably. Freaking Italian names. "Adair? Isn't that... Like, a girls name?" Leo asked, taking deep breaths.

       "Shut up Valdez and let me fill out these forms. And either of you tell anyone this and you're dead men." I growled, then continued to fill out the form.

       A good forty five minutes later I was done. I stood up and handed them to Christy.

     She sighed as she flipped through them. "Alright. You can go get him."

     "Thanks." I said, nodding to her. I walked over to the guard and he let me in without my keycard. I'd been here a lot.

      I found Percy's door and knocked before unlocking it. He sat on the wooden bench, his legs crossed and eyes closed. "Percy?" I whispered. His eyes opened and he looked at me curiously.

      "We're here to take you away." I told him. "You're bail is paid and you're set to leave."

      His eyes widened. "You're kidding, thank you so so so much but where am I going to live I can't go back with my mom because she's apparently dead and my stepdad threatened to kill me if I came back so can I even leave without having a place to live?" he asked really, really fast.

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