The clock drones on with its insistent tick tocks.
Never ceasing
never stops
The saliva rests on the tip of the tongue.
If you think about it, the tongue doesn't actually sit comfortably in your mouth.
Off topic. Yet again.
Alright now focus.
But the mind dulls just as does the pencils tip with nothing written on the paper.
Nothing typed on the click clacking keys.
Everything drones in nothingness.
No imagination
no will power
no tingling sensation in the joints to draw, write, pick up a book and get emotionally attached by an invisible string as it drags you into a new world.
Everything. Everyone. Just makes me so, so...
Stuck between the Pages
PoetrySmall poems with no real meanings from a writer lost in dreaming. Also, for even better poems... go read Arlahndo's poems called "The Withdrawal Effect."