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Hey girlypops!!!

What the heck is up?

The picture at the top is Jack's room. ⬆️ I hope it makes sense 😂

I hope y'all enjoy this one. Something exciting happens. 😉

"Dude I can't drink." Jack shut his locker and rolled his eyes at the girl in front of him.

"You don't have to drink." She was trying her best to convince her newfound friend.

"Then what's the point of going to a high school  party?" Jack stopped walking and turned to Jasmine.

"To have fun." She groaned as Jack just continued walking. "I'll pay you."

"My allowance is four digits." Jack walked down the hallway.

"What the hell? Please Jack?" She grabbed his shoulder and made him face her.

"Why do you want me to go so bad?" Jack sighed and looked at her.

"I want you to have fun."

"Wow that's so sweet but no thanks." Jack looked behind Jasmine to see Zach looking at him. He waved to the boy. Jasmine followed his eyes and then smirked. Jack looked at her. "What?"

"Zach will be there." Jasmine crossed her arms over her chest. She saw the emotions flow through Jack's eyes and she knew she had won.

"And why do you think that will change my mind?" Jack could feel the blush rising up his neck.

"You like him." She raised a brow as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No I don't. I'm not gay." Jack looked down and clutched his books tighter. Bagel who was sitting at his side peacefully was now nudging Jack's leg because she could sense his anxiety.

"I never said you were." She started walking away. "Just think about it okay?"

Jack sighed and reached a hand down to let Bagel know that he was okay. He just gripped her leash tighter and made his way to his study hall.

Zach was sitting at his table when Jack walked in the room. Zach watched Jack as he walked over. Jack sat down and leaned his head on the table. He just wanted the day to be over.

"Are you okay?" Zach set a hand on Jack's shoulder. Jack relaxed under his touch and sat up.

"Yeah I'm just tired. This day had gone on forever. Why do Fridays last so long?" Jack looked down at the desk and pulled his toiletries bag out. Jack set everything out and used hand sanitizer. He turned the meter out and put a test strip in. He grabbed an alcohol wipe and wiped his middle finger off. He grabbed his lancing device and poked his finger. He wiped the small amount of blood on the test strip and waited for it to beep. The small screen read '103'.

Jack wiped his finger off with another alcohol wipe and put a bandaid on. He logged that in his notebook and cleaned everything up.

"How much do you have to do that?" Zach watched Jack with fond eyes.

"Every two hours that I'm awake." Jack nodded at Zach before quickly looking away.

"That's crazy. Does it hurt?"

Jack shook his head. "Not anymore. When I was little it did but it doesn't anymore."

"When were you diagnosed?" Zach looked at Jack who looked away from him.

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