The accident

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It was all blur to me, next thing you know me and Finn are driving to Cincinnati for a little get a way then boom another car crashes into us.

Braydens pov

I'm sitting here in class working on a stupid worksheet when the school secretary comes into the room, I see her walk over to my teacher to whisper in his ear I then notice my teacher looking at me i quickly look down at my work so he thinks I'm working then someone whispers in my ear "the Principal needs to see you" my teacher tells me, I get up from my chair and head with the secretary to mr.yangs office once we get there I see both sides of my grandparents

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked them sitting down

"No mr. Hudson, your grandparents need to tell you something" My Principal tells me

I look at my grandparents they all have a sad look on their faces "Brayden your parents were in bad car accident" my papa says (Rachel's dad) that's when my world starts crashing down I start sobbing as soon as my papa finishes his sentence

"Where are they?" I asked wiping my tears

"They are at the hospital in Cincinnati, we got the call 30 minutes ago and came here right away" grandma carole said

"Can I go see them? I need to see my parents" I pleaded

"Yes yes of course Brayden come on" papa tells me getting up

We check me out and head for cincinnati, on our way there I keep thinking horrible things like what if when we get there they are both dead or if they have memory loss and they forget about me.. I need to keep myself busy so I take out my schoolwork that my teacher has given me since I am going to be out of school for a while I look out the window to see we have made it to the hospital, we all get out and walk towards the hospital once we get in and we go to the front desk

"Hi is Rachel and Finn Hudson here? I got a call from here and they said they were in an accident is they're any updates?" My grandpa says

"We currently only can give information to family members" the nurse says

My papa steps up since he is the doctor in the family "I'm Derek berry, Doctor Derek berry from Lima hospital and that's my daughter and her husband we have their 9 year old son right here" he says to the nurse

"Okay Dr.berry, Rachel is currently in surgery she went in for a craniotomy and Finn is CT" she says to him, I have no idea what language they were speaking

"I need you to call your chief so I can get privileges, this is my family and I need to get privileges" my papa begged her

She nods and starts dialing the number to the 'chief' "okay chief Jackson says you have privileges but no surgery on Rachel only
Finn, we do not allow surgeons to operate on their family" she tells my papa once more

"Okay thank you" papa says walking off to somewhere

"Okay you guys can have a seat we will update you with anything we can" the nurse nodded

We all walked to the waiting room and sat down to keep me busy I did my homework which was very boring but kept me busy, my grandma helped me with math, my grandpa helped me with social studies but my nana just sat there looking off in the distance, I feel like she doesn't like me so I put my homework down and walk towards her

"Nana?" I ask her

"Yes bray" she says looking at me with teary eyes

"Do you not like me? I mean you are the only person who hasn't helped me today and I just think you don't like me" I said to her standing right infront of her

"No no sweetie I love you so much I'm just worried about your parents, I'm sorry I'm not helping you I just can't focus but if you sat by me maybe you can distract me with your homework wouldn't that be nice?" She tells me

I nod to her and run over to get my homework to walk back over to see her talking to I believe uncle puck I sit down next to her and start finishing my homework when my papa comes out in dark blue scrubs

"Okay finn is in his room he isn't awake but he is okay, no surgery needed he didn't get that much damage to him so we can see him, Rachel is out of surgery and resting but she is now in a coma.. we don't know when she'll wake up since rachel is in icu she cannot have any visitors" papa said to us

"Noah, Quinn are on their way and Santana plus Kurt are getting the quickest plane out here" nana says

We all walk to my dads room and I'm getting an upset feeling thinking what if he wakes up he won't remember who I am, we get there and I see my dad lying on a hospital bed with wires coming in and out of his body I run up to him and put my hand on his shoulder "daddy wake up.. I just got to know you and I don't want you to leave me please wake up I'm begging you" I cried

Suddenly I hear this beeping next thing you know it my papa runs out the door

Derek's pov (Rachel's dad)

Just hearing Brayden say those words makes my head ache, suddenly my pager starts beeping I check it to see it's a 911 call from icu I quickly run out the door and straight to icu yelling at everyone who is in my way, once I get there I see everyone around my daughter

"Move, what happened" I yelled checking Rachel's pulse

"She started coding out of nowhere, her BP is low" a surgeon told me

"We need to push one of epi and get the defibrillator, shock of 100" I said shocking my daughter

"Book an OR now" I yelled towards the nurse

A few hours later I head to Finns room to give them the news, I walk into the room to see Brayden sleeping next to finn on his bed

"Let's not wake bray up so come out to the hall with me" I said to my family

They all come out with questions like wait what happened? Is she okay? "Okay rachel coded in icu she went into surgery and she is survived" I told them

They all gasped and thanked the lord.. thank god my baby girl is okay.

Sorry? Yes I watch way too much greys anatomy that's why i 'know' some of this stuff! How did you like it?

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