Chapter Four

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Elaine was beautifully dressed in an off-the-shoulder black gown and Red looked rather dashing in a dark suit when they knocked at Myrtle's door to drop off Jack. Jack ran in and hugged Myrtle around the leg.

Elaine said apologetically, "He's been sort of fussy this afternoon and didn't want to take a nap. If you have any problems, just call the restaurant."

"Problems? With Jack?" Myrtle made a scoffing sound. "He and I always have fun, don't we Jack? We're going to play a little and then we'll watch a little television. I'm going to show him how to make a snowflake out of folded paper and scissors."

Red looked extremely dubious about this. "Scissors and toddlers aren't the best combination, Mama. He's likely to cut his hair. Or yours."

Myrtle put her hands on her hips. "He certainly won't! What nonsense, Red. These are safety scissors and they'll barely cut through paper. You'd think I'd never raised children! Now off with you."

"You've had something to eat?" asked Elaine, still hovering.

At that moment, a voice behind them said, "Room service."

Myrtle smiled. "I believe Miles has decided to join me for supper in my room."

Red shook his head and stepped out of the way so that Miles, carrying a tray laden with different types of foods, could pass by. "Miles, I hope you know what you're in for. This is a tiny little room for two adults and a toddler. Believe me, I know."

"It'll be fine. We'll eat so much that we'll all be sleepy," said Miles.

"Thank you both!" said Elaine fervently and she and Red left for their dinner.

"There better not be any sugar on that tray," said Myrtle, peering at the tray. "If we're to get sleepy after eating, that is."

"Naturally," said Miles. "I only brought some crackers for Jack. Sugary treats and tiny staterooms don't match."

As Myrtle suspected, everything went perfectly well. Jack ate, they made snowflakes, and then they watched television. Miles dozed off and Myrtle finished the crossword puzzle that was on the back of the ship itinerary that had been delivered that morning. Jack was always an angel when Myrtle watched him. She didn't believe Red and Elaine's tall tales of Jack's exploits.

Red and Elaine collected Jack in what seemed like record time and it was just Myrtle and Miles again.

"So—the filming, right?" asked Miles. "That sounded like the best bet for us from tonight's entertainment options."

"Yes, it definitely beat the dance competition and the piano singer," said Myrtle. "But I've got to change if we're all supposed to look as if we just came from dinner. That's what Bettina had said, anyway."

"I'll change, too," said Miles, although he looked perfectly fine in his button-down shirt and dark pants. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Cruising for Murder: Myrtle Clover #10Where stories live. Discover now