Chapter Twelve

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Myrtle glanced at her own watch as Terrell hurried away. "How much getting ready is he going to do? Supper is hours away."

"Well, clearly he wants to put his best foot forward," said Miles. "It's really sort of sweet in a way. He's so flustered over it and is obviously no dating expert."

Myrtle nodded and finished her Dubonnet. "It does look as if he's finally coming out of his shell now that the commanding and controlling presence of his mother is gone. Which really does make me wonder if he had been desperate to get rid of her and finally start his life."

"And I suppose, if he did kill her, having the extra money from her estate would have helped him in his quest to start over," said Miles. "Although, as a doctor, he was certainly rich enough."

Myrtle shrugged. "It's the difference between being very comfortable and being wealthy."

"I don't know. I think rich is rich."

Myrtle said, "It's the difference between a mountain house with a river view and a house on the beach."

"I guess you're right."

Myrtle said, "On a different topic, since we've now established that supper is hours away, what are your plans for the interval?"

"I was going to try out the yoga class. It's supposed to be wonderful for joint pain and I've had a little of that in the last day," said Miles.

Myrtle said with a smirk, "You should relax in the hot tub for a while then."

"No thanks," said Miles. "Do you want to try out the class with me?"

"I'll pass. I didn't bring exercise clothes, and besides, yoga is not really my thing. Doing dog-in-the-manger and deer-in-the-headlights and all those sorts of poses," said Myrtle.

Miles said coldly, "I'm guessing you're referring to upward facing dog and the deer pose."

A voice behind them said cheerfully, "Yoga? Are you going too, Miles?"

It was Elaine. She was in high spirits, which likely meant the dawn of a new hobby for her. Red was holding Jack's hand and was right behind her.

Miles said, "I'm going, but Myrtle is pooh-poohing it."

"I'm not really pooh-poohing it. I've nothing against yoga, but I'm certainly not wearing regular clothes to the class. You're going, Elaine? And how was your pottery class?" asked Myrtle.

Elaine beamed at her, "I'm going to yoga. And the pottery class was fantastic! It's really inspired me, too. Oh, I've dabbled in pottery before, but I don't think I had very good instruction. Now I feel equipped to go back to Bradley and start making pots again!"

Red, behind her, rolled his eyes and gave his mother a long-suffering look. Elaine hadn't hit on the perfect hobby yet but appeared determined to keep searching for it. In some ways, it was inspiring. In others, it was a bit dispiriting.

Cruising for Murder: Myrtle Clover #10Where stories live. Discover now