Chapter 4: Purple eyes

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I woke half way through the night with a throbbing headache. My eyes were sore and it was difficult trying to keep my heavy eyelids open. Cupa was sitting in the corner of the room sleeping again. I smirked. "The whole point of taking watch is to actually watch." I said.

I walked out of the house's hole in the wall and stared up at the night sky. "She's cute..." I think. "What have I done to deserve this?" I smile and sit down in the grass.

I couldn't wait to go home. Where I could sit in my basic house with its apples and saplings. I peeked back at Cupa who still made a quiet whistle as she slept. From this hill I could see my house. I must have left my lights on because the entire house was lit up on top of the trees. If that house will remain hidden, I'll need to fix that...

I stood and walked towards Cupa. I picked her up by the armpits and dragged the creeper to her bed. I tried my best to be, but I wasn't exactly gentle in transporting her to the bed-- but Cupa didn't give the slightest hint that I was disturbing her sleep. She made slight whimpers while she slept. "I'll be back." I said.

I made my way down the hill when I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. I jumped and whirled around to see another girl. She was tall, dressed in a black sweater and a black skirt, her brown hair fell to her lower back and her eyes were purple. Unlike Cupa on this girl's head she wore a black square hat with endermen eyes on it.

"Your gonna leave her?" She asked motioning her head towards Cupa's house.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"Its rude to ignore someone's question to ask your own." She said flatly.

"I have to turn my lights off at home, and I'm gonna grab some food too." I say half confused to where this girl even came from.

In a burst of purple light the girl was gone. In the next couple seconds while I was trying to comprehend what just happened, she reappeared again causing  me to lose my balance and tumble down the hill. "Get up." She says pulling me to my feet by the scruff of my shirt.

"I don't appreciate being man handled." I grumbled, dusting dirt off of myself.

"A thank you would've sufficed, I turned off your lights and brought you food." She said.

I glanced down at what she had in her hands. In her left she held an ocelot closely to her body and in her right she lazily held a pig. This girl... Dressed in all black, purple eyes, tall as hell, and lovingly carrying a cat-- it was time to gamble on a hunch.

"Alright!" I cheered, reaching for the ocelot. "I've always wanted to have some cat potato stew." I said.

"No!" She shouted shoving me back to the ground and dropping the pig while clutching the cat to herself. "What kind of sick bastard eats a cat." She asked trying to hold back the tears as she pet the ocelots head.

"Right, so your an endermen? You teleport, your tall, and you love cats. Relax, I don't plan on eating your cat." I said, as I laid flat on my back.

"I'm Andr. And yes I'm an Endermen." She said.

"It seems I've been running into a lot of you mob girls recently.."

I stood up and brushed the grass of my pants and looked up at Andr who was petting her cat still. "I didn't know there were other mobs like Cupa." I say.

"Like Cupa? Hardly, all females of every mob looks this way. Endermen, creepers, zombies, blaze, slimes, magma cubes, spiders and cave spiders, skeletons and wither skeletons, and even ghasts. But squids are usually the most beautiful of them all. The salt water does wonders for their skin."

"You done talking yet?" I asked half annoyed.

She nodded and followed me as I led the pig back up the hill. "Weren't you hungry?" Andr asked.

"I don't eat pigs." I say stepping into the home of Cupa.

Cupa was half awake till she saw Andr. Immediately she shot up and appeared as attentive as possible. "A-Andr!?" She shouted in disbelief. "What are you doing here?!?" She asked still shouting.

"Actually Cupa I'm here on business. Just checking how progress is going actually." She smirked when I looked at Andr confused.

"Progress?" I question. "Care to explain?"

"I'll take care of this Cupa, I'm more informed than you anyways, and since you haven't told him yet I'll just do it." Andr said as Cupa looked at her feet.

"Well Steve, Cupa was sent here to recruit you for a war."

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