Powers ~ A Hunger Games Fanfiction

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President Snow reaches into the box, pulling out the yellowed envelope marked 100. She smiles to herself as she tears open the top, pulling out the letter inside.

The districts are on edge. The first Quarter Quell after the second failed rebellion. Twenty-four years since the Mockingjay's death.

For a lot of them, it seems like yesterday.

For the rest, it seems like a billion years ago.

The newly-appointed President clears her throat and begins to read. "As a reminder that even with a high advantage, you are destined to fail against the Capitol, this year each district will have an allocated power. The tributes will be able to use their power the moment they are reaped, and will keep it throughout the games."

You can almost hear the Capitol's gasps of delight, and the district's quiet, unsure murmuring.

"The powers are as follows: District One; Light!"

The potential tributes of district one grin. Light, they could control light. There was no where the tributes could hide anymore; this, the district is sure about.

"District Two; Metal!"

Had the Capitol cameras gone to district two to film, they would've been disappointed by the reaction of the district. The indifference practically oozes out of every household- Quarter Quell or not, it's just another hunger games. The metal won't change much.

"District Three; Lightning!"

A few of the previously-electrocuted citizens shudder. Power like that is no toy, and they're sure there's a catch somewhere... There always is.

"District Four; Water!"

The district is comfortable with that. Water, the one thing that everyone here knows is what keeps the district running. The one thing every person, young or old, boy or girl, knows is their home, more than materiel houses or belongings.

"District Five; Wind!"

There is almost no reaction in District Five. Most of the people here are smart- they have to be, and the ones that aren't find out that power is dangerous really quickly. Wind is neutral, not a hinderance, but not a help if they can't use it.

"District Six; Teleportation!"

District six is one of the happiest districts upon this news. Most of the time, their tributes had problems escaping; getting away, which is ironic for the district of transportation. With this new power, they might actually stand a chance.

"District Seven; Wood!"

You can almost hear the district groan. Of course it was wood, why wouldn't it be? Everything had always been about trees and wood. With the outfits these Capitol people came up with, one would expect them to be slightly more creative.

"District Eight: Weaving!"

Most of district eight isn't watching this broadcast, instead choosing a select few to watch it, allowing the news to later travel by mouth. They are working, just like every other day. But few are paying attention to their jobs as their minds wander to the Quell.

"District Nine; Flight!"

A few of the citizens are confused- what does flight have to do with grain? But flight is probably one of the best powers to have, and these people have learned to take what they can get.

"District Ten; Talking to animals!"

That was almost cruel. The people of district ten aren't sure whether it's an misunderstanding, or whether the Capitol has done it simply to taunt them. They raise animals for slaughter, and the power they're given was one that would allow the thoughts of them to be heard. No one envies the two future tributes, to say the least.

"District Eleven; Speed!"

District Eleven quietly takes this into account. Speed will be useful, but so would a lot of the other powers. But this district knows survival. It knows how to find food, it knows what is safe and what is not, and they aren't dependent on the food provided. Speed might just give them the extra edge to win.

"District Twelve; Fire!"

Sunken. Defeated. The only two words to describe the aura of district twelve. Fire didn't change a thing. They still were the weakest, still the most hated, still the ones who started the whole second rebellion in the first place.

"District Thirteen; Invisibility!"

The irony of that simple statement hit district thirteen like a ton of bricks. Invisible- the state they had been in, essentially, until twenty-four years ago. And, just as it was back then, this power was given to them by the Capitol.

"Capitol; Darkness!"

The Capitol is ablaze with excitement, those of age declaring this year was their year, those younger begging to go in, begging to have a chance at the glory, the fame, the power! This year would be the best one yet.

The president folds the letter, putting it back in the envelope and handing it off to the box bearer. "Good night, Panem." with one last shark-like grin, the screens go black.

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