District Three - Reaping

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There is not much chatter in District Three today. No one feels like talking on the day of the reaping. The weather seems like it's mocking them, the bright blue sky without a cloud in sight. The sun is just warm enough to be comfortable.

Only two conversations are going on as the square fills up. One is of a person with betting slips, walking through the crowd, and the other is of two thirteen year olds in line to check in.

"Did you hear what he did this time?" asks the girl, whispering quite loudly. A few other kids turn to listen as the boy shakes his head. "Ooooh, you just wait and see, if the rumors are true..."

The boy in front of them smiles, although he doesn't turn around. Rumors spread like wildfire here. It's a shame for the escort this one happens to be true.

When everyone is all settled in, the mayor takes his place on the stage, reading out the speech in a tone full of irony. He has to keep himself from sounding sarcastic when he reads about the Capitol's forgiveness, generosity, and kindness.

He's only about half way through the list of victors, which isn't that long, when the escort skips onstage, completely oblivious she's interrupting. She pushes the mayor from his spot at the microphone, and introduces herself as Daania.

"What about the mentor?" Someone calls from the back. Daania glances behind her, scanning the small group of victors.

"Who are you?" She asks one of the girls.

The girl is young, her games having been just before Annabelle's. Her hair is fiery red, and wildly curly, a style that matches her personality. She looks up at Daania, saying, "Ellery. Ellery Tarrich."

"Ellery Tarrich will be the mentor this year!" she chirps, smiling a thousand-watt smile. She spots the light on top of the camera, and knows she has to get on with it. "And let's start the reaping!" she runs over to the girl's bowl and puts her hand in.

The whole back pen is silent, as the twelve and thirteen year olds try not to give the game away. Something breaks under Daania's hand, like a wire, or-

A wire.

A series of whirs and clicks come from under the stage, farther backwards. Daania turns around, facing the back of the stage just in time to have a bucket of water thrown at her, strangely tainting everything on her blue. Her dress! She gasps loudly.

The younger kids can't keep from laughing anymore, and the feeling is contagious. Soon the entire district is laughing. One boy takes a bow, grinning broadly. "Grant Diablo, everyone! You're welcome." he says. He had to work for quite a long time to get that set up ready, but it was all worth it.

Daania, turns back to face the crowd, briefly thinks that's a fitting last name, before opening up the slip of paper in her hand. "Elizabeth Edison!" she calls, still slightly annoyed. She suspects berry juice has been mixed with the water- the boy just ruined her favourite outfit. "Elizabeth Edison!"

No one can hear her over the laughter. She tries again. "ELIZABETH EDISON, YOU ARE THE FEMALE TRIBUTE FOR DISTRICT THREE!"

The laughter subsides instantly. Some had forgotten momentarily that today was the reaping, but it all comes back as Elizabeth makes her way to the stage. She comes out from the seventeen pens, walking up without a word. Her short blonde hair sticks up as though she has been recently electrocuted- which seems fairly likely here. She looks surprised, startled, but most people could tell you she always looks like that.

Daania offers her the microphone, and she takes it, saying, "My name is Lizzie. Not Elizabeth. Lizzie." Everyone can sense the annoyance in her words, but few hear the fear behind them. One more year. She was almost done with the reapings. So close...

"Well congratulations!" squeals Daania, back to her chipper self. Without waiting for Lizzie to say anything, she heads over and grabs a slip from the boy's ball.

"Grant Diablo!" she calls.

Grant's smile fades, but as he steps forwards he fixes it back onto his face, although now it doesn't reach his eyes. He walks onstage, and when offered the mic, says, "This stinks, I can't harvest my pickles anymore." His voice is so matter-of-fact, that with the topic being so ridiculous, people can't help but laugh.

They don't know he's serious.

Daania gestures for them to shake hands, and then says, loud and excited, "This year's tributes for District Three, Eli- Sorry, Lizzie Edison and Grant Diablo!"

Upon Grant's name, she frowns at the outfit she's wearing. He'll pay for that, this dress was brand new! Lizzie picks up on this and rolls her eyes. Capitol people.

Ushered off the stage, Grant gives one last look at Three. His home. This may be the last time he ever sees it.

He hopes his family remembers to water the pickle plants.

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