District Eleven - Reaping

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District Eleven - Reaping

District eleven is crowded, as usual. The kids who were unlucky enough to be put in the final draw are nervous. The odds are already not in their favor by being drawn multiple times to get here.

The commotion on the stage is enough to brighten most of them up though.

"I called it. And we both know I'm a better mentor than you are."

"You are not! You barely make an effort to help the tributes!"

"I do too! You liar, someone tell her how wrong she is!"

Dromio, the escort, rolls his eyes, stepping between the two fighting victors. "You're both wonderful. Now please, shut the hell up and sit down!"

Una sighs, sitting down in her fold-up chair. After a moment's pause, Royal follows suit, sitting down next to her. Dromio thinks to himself that if the two current victors behave worse than the tributes, it's no wonder there's only two of them, but pushes the thought away. He hears both of them bickering all the way through the speech, and catches Royal's "I'm the best, obviously," as he welcomes the crowd.

Una gives a rushed whisper as a response, but her exact statement is unknown, because at that moment, Dromio reads out the girl's name.

"Gemini Coinreed!"

The blonde girl that slips out from the fourteens pens has already made her face emotionless. Only her eyes show that she's afraid.

Does she have a plan? No. But that won't stop her from getting back any way she can. When Dromio offers her the mic, she looks like she may say something, but then-

"Royal Antrim, you are impossible!" Una leaps to her feet, glaring down at Royal. Royal himself simply leans back in his chair.

"I'm the best. It's not arrogance, it's the truth!"

Dromio has had enough. He's had to listen to these two since they won, and he's sick of it. "Una, Royal," he says calmly, waiting until they both look at him. "I'm going to tell you something, and I don't mean this personally but... NOBODY FUCKING CARES!" Dromio beams at them, smile still on his face as he says, "Let's reap the boys, shall we?"

Dromio's comment was enough to keep Royal and Una quiet, at least for a little bit, so there's only silence as he calls out, "Reed Wyatt!"

One of the tallest boys in the sixteens comes forwards, making his way up the stage. Like Gemini, he knows better than to show emotion, but if you look close, you can tell he's holding onto hope.

Unlike Gemini, he doesn't start a speech. Dromio thinks maybe he should have let Gemini finish, but now it's a bit late for that. "Tributes, shake hands," he says.

"You can't just threaten to push people off of stages!"

The attention is immediately brought to Royal, who has turned to face Una in annoyance.

"Well, I don't particularly want to, but if it gets you to shut up, then-"

"Oh, for Snow's sakes, stop bickering!" interrupts Dromio. Thinking quickly, he says a comment that will hopefully stop them arguing fir now. "You two sound like an old married couple!"

Both of them turn to face the smug escort, wide-eyed and open mouthed. Everyone knows the comment couldn't be farther than the truth- but whatever works, right? "You can both mentor if it means that much to you." he snaps, turning back to the tributes. Una and Royal choose this moment to exit, trying not to draw attention to themselves as they head into the Justice Building.

"Shake hands," says Dromio, pushing both the tributes towards the Justice Building. He sincerely hopes these tributes are at least slightly competent, because it's unlikely eitber mentor will be much help.

And then people complained the escorts were rude... Dromio shakes his head, following the tributes into the Justice Building.

(A/N If I screwed up your tributes, Rue, I'm sorry. You pressured me to write at two in the morning :P)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2012 ⏰

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