Chapter 2

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Work lasted longer than Niall expected. People came and left within minutes and he felt relaxed for a good duration of his shift. That was until Zayn began acting up again. He snapped at a customer right before his shift ended, after our long day here.

The Irishman went over to them and brushed Zayn away. He growled softly and walked off, clearly agitated with particular emotions. Niall apologized to the pair and gave them dessert to go along with it. They declined and reassured him that they knew Zayn. This made Niall confused yet curious.

“How do you know Zayn? He doesn't go around much in town, so I assumed he only knew me and a few others.” The blonde woman and green-eyed male smile at him.

“He lived somewhere before settling into this town and we're used to his temper tantrums. His anxiety doesn't help them at all, but if you're really friends, then you should be there for him when it all goes down. It should change a lot...” They stand up and begin to leave, but turn right before Niall went back to his post.

“I'm Harry and she's Perrie. You'll see us around here often, so knowing our names should be helpful.” They leave right after Harry revealed their names. This left Niall to go in the back and check on Zayn, wanting to make sure that he calmed down enough.

After pushing open the door that leads to where drinks were made, Niall lays his eyes on Zayn. His hands rested on a counter, veins protruding from the bases of them.

“Zayn, are you-”

“If you ask me that one more goddamn time--” He lets out a heavy exhale and shakes his head, jaw clenched. “No, I'm not fücking okay, mate. Those two you just met with ruined my life years ago, and I don't want to go back to them even if my life is on the line.”

Niall grows even more confused, wondering what Zayn had meant until earning a light chuckle from him.

“Right, you have no idea what I mean. It would be nice to tell you everything, but it'll be too much to handle and there's an unlikely chance you wouldn't believe me.”

Niall shakes his head, arms crossing. “You're coming to my place tonight and explaining everything, okay? I will believe you, I promise.”

Zayn sighs, smiling a little afterward. “Alright. I'll be at your place tonight. Get some glasses ready because it's going to be a long night.”

Deep in the forest, Liam had left Louis behind and went to get fresh air and space away from everyone. He desired this every day, to slip past his pack and have some alone time. All humans had this chance, so why couldn't he?

Liam stumbled through, what felt like, corridors of trees and bushes. He inhaled the sweet scent of nature and ran his fingers along barks of trees here and there. Nothing put him more at ease than this or a meadow that's hidden nearby.

He found solace in a simple, small area. It's surrounded by trees, a ray of light always beaming into the small circle that enveloped a gorgeous field of flowers. Such a simple area can bring joy to the alpha, and he wished to share it with someone special one day. He wishes.

Liam senses another wolf behind him when making it to the spot from last night. He turns his head and realizes it's Louis, calming down immediately.

“Super glad our meeting was cut short today, after that horrendous hunt...” Liam chuckles at Louis's words. “But besides that... Are we going to discuss our plan of escape? You seemed pretty out of it when I looked over at you, so I just wanted to make sure that-”

“I don't think it's going to work out, Lou,” Liam spoke, abruptly. Louis frowns. “Were you not listening to them? They're going to add more security, so the probability of leaving is basically impossible at this point.”

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