Chapter 18

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Liam didn't know how to phrase. He didn't know how to tell Niall the truth without seeming pathetic. After hearing what Bobby said, it drained every bit of confidence that he had. Why was he like this?

“Your father said that you and Zayn used to be very close, and I couldn't help but think that both of you did anything close to what we've done together.” He feels goosebumps run along his arms. “Please don't tell me that Zayn kissed you before me.”

Niall busted out laughing. He had to squeeze onto Liam's bicep to stand up straight and not fall. He earned a confused look from the werewolf until speaking up about the situation, wearing a big smile on his face.

“Zayn is like a big brother to me. There's nothing to worry about with our past, and he talked about Perrie even when I barely knew about her. I'd nod off because I felt alone back then and hearing about their relationship brought me down, but now that we're together, its all changed.” Niall wraps his arms around Liam's neck when finishing the sentence. He wants to stay like this forever, holding Liam close.

“Your mother is a remarkable woman for birthing such an amazing man. You're way too perfect for me,” Liam confessed when pulling back. Niall laughs softly and rolls his eyes at him. He always managed to hear that every day and wasn't sure if it was too much or not.

“You're the perfect man here. Saving my life, treating me like a king. What more could I ask for, hmm?” Niall purses his lips. “Besides being a werewolf.” Liam rolls his eyes this time and lets out a long, drawn-out sigh which gives Niall a reason to stick his tongue out childishly.

“I think we should get back to your father before he grows too concerned, love.” Niall agreed with a short nod then follows him back down the hall towards Bobby who began to stand up from his lonesome spot.

He turns and sees his son and Liam, smiling a little. “I think you should invite your friends over,” he stated. “It would give me a chance to show off my knowledge and expertize of this town that I'm sure they're curious about. 'm hoping for that, though.”

Niall nods and grabs his phone to text the group chat, earning quick responses from everyone else would come over in the span of ten minutes. It gave him enough time to show his father around the house some more while Liam finished his plate, stomach growling in the bathroom from when Niall walked in and spoke with him.

He didn't know what he'd do without the human who stole his heart and more. Niall controlled his heart and emotions in a big way, and if anything were to happen to him, he'd only have one option. Any mortal wound would have to get treated by a bite, a single bite that'd keep him alive, and Liam was scared for that. He'd want to do everything else in his power before resulting to that final resort. He wanted to keep the same Niall.

Once everybody else came around, Bobby introduced himself and brought a large piece of history with him in the process. To Niall's surprise, they all listened intently and even asked a question here and there. He expected a lot less from this encounter, but his father knew how to hook people in and get them interested to a point of pure satisfaction. Niall would never understand that but questioning it also seemed incorrect.

After his discussion, Liam brought out a wonderfully smelling dip and a bag of chips to Niall's surprise. They all happened to be too busy to pay enough attention, and the Irishman couldn't hear the werewolf's sneaky maneuvers in his kitchen.

“How has today been for you,” Niall asked him after everybody else left. He sat down on the bed and watched Liam strip off his clothes to put on a pair of briefs, slipping under the covers afterward.

He sighs happily. “Honestly, it has been really great today.” Bobby surprised him in the best way. “Bobby turned out to be a lot more entertaining than any of us expected, so that's a huge plus. I know where your confidence came from now.”

Niall lets out a short laugh and snuggles in Liam's right side, rubbing circles on the other side of him while hearing his heartbeat. At the same time, Liam was rubbing his back and made a few circle motions here and there, appreciating this tender moment completely.

“He always taught me to never care what others think.” Niall can remember those days easily. “It took a while for that concept to actually wrap around my head. With all that work on my shoulders, nothing else really had my full attention. I don't know what got in me, but I learned to adjust like every human being and meeting you also helped in a huge way.”

Liam chuckles softly and presses a kiss to his forehead, humming in content over hearing Niall's serious words that evidently impacted him for years. He would be able to do the same, but the werewolf never had a proper chance for such attempts when the days went by.

“Thanking me each and every time isn't going to benefit either of us, love.” He kisses Niall's nose. “If you didn't stumble upon in the meadow, we wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be cuddling you after a long day of spending time with our friends and your father. It's way too crazy for me to think about often, yet important enough to bring up. Does that make sense?” Liam pouts, not wanting to sound like a pure idiot. He didn't.

“It does. This is all fate though, and I trust it enough that nothing will get in our way in the future. We are glue even when apart and if anything were to go wrong, then the other would save them, right?”

Liam agrees with a short nod. “I would do anything to save your life in any way, shape, or form. You're the most important person in my life and if I need to repeat myself over and over again-”

“You don't need to do that,” Niall interrupted and chuckled.  “Nobody is more clear than you when it comes to talking about me. I don't mind most of what is said and done by you, though.” He was being completely honest with Liam.

He appreciated his sincerity enough to never get bored of it, nor does he block it out with a simple hum as he does with any other, obnoxious scenario. It turned out to be easier than he thought. Would everything else that he deals with be this easy to handle?

Liam appeared happy after hearing those words. “Good.” He presses a quick kiss to Niall's lips. He felt the need to kiss all that he could, for a strange wave of worry washed over him within a few, precious moments.

“By the way, I have this sinking feeling that something is going to happen soon.” Niall brought this up, instantly catching Liam's attention. What did he mean? “This will probably sound confusing, but Isaac needs to jump in at some point? And it has been a few months. He could've gotten a lot stronger by now, enough to harm any of us easily, and that idea scares the living hell out of me.”

Liam bites his bottom lip and keeps at the human's side, rubbing the thicker, bare side enough to earn a soft noise of gratitude from Niall. “There's nothing to be afraid of.” He raises his brow. “We should have the others come by for the next few weeks, hmm?”

Niall nods quickly and snuggles even closer into Liam's side, fingers gliding up and down the bare arm that could lift a lot of different objects with ease. His heightened abilities still surprised the Irishman every now and again, but neither of them was extremely affected by it since their first meeting together.

“That sounds like a smart idea, I think. He could come at any point and all of us against him will prove worthy and beneficial. I just want Isaac to leave us alone for good because then everything will be okay again.” Niall sighs and shakes his head. “We would have nothing to worry about and some of us need to do something that'd get rid of him. What could we do?”

Liam shrugs slightly then lets out a short yawn, obviously growing tired after making all of that food and sitting in the same spot for a good few hours. “What's best for us is staying in your home and dealing with him whenever he comes around to try and end us.”

Niall smiled and let his eyes flutter shut, heart beating fast due to hidden anxiety piling up on the inside.

“We should be okay... I hope.”


Author's Note: Will they really be okay? Thanks for reading this, I love you all so much, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as a whole x

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